Friday, June 18, 2010

People around us are catalyst of change

When we go around parading and looking for people to change then you will be at a lost for this type of individuals. But when you change your perspective and see things in the vantage point of unselfish humble acceptance that we are the ones who needs change then you will be surprised by the myriad of opportunity to change for the better.

We do not change people – it is the Holy Spirit who does that. With this we can see all around us individuals who are instruments of change for us. We do not come to change the world to become what we want it to be but rather we embrace humanity not with a mundane eyes its but with enthusiasm or optimism that God made things good and it is to compliment our growth on a regular basis.

God prescribed for us to grow as stated in 1 Peter 2:2 Like newborn babies, thirst for the pure milk of the word so that by it you may grow in your salvation. in this regard we can grow with God.  Christ did not just change the world in a sovereign manner but rather He effected change by fulfilling prophecies and exemplifying love and servanthood. That is how we need to approach the world today.

Admit it – even you needs more growth.

I praise God for He has continuously allowed me to grow with the appointments that God has designated for me to meet for my growth for His glory.

To God be the glory!
