Monday, February 24, 2020

28Mm Italian Wars Pike, Gendarme And More

I've not been posting much on the Italian Wars Project as it grows and with a few units added to the ranks it was time to reveal them to the world.

TAG Pike Block 

Where as all of the foot figures I have used so far are from the Perry's these are from a Company called The Assault Group or TAG as they are more commonly known. Still 28mm and similar in proportion to the Perry figures they are slightly smaller and a lot "cleaner" (there is a comparison at the end of the post).

I have to be honest and say that while I was painting these I really wasn't very sure how they would come out, no criticism of the figures but the flatter less contoured sculpts of the TAG line don't really fit well with my painting style and I wasn't sure on the faces either. However when I came to photograph them I was more than pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

The pike on the rear ranks are quite upright and the figures have a bit more armour on than I would like for this far back in the Block but I'm nit picking. 8 figures per base on 60mm x 50mm mdf. Flags are Petes a Borgia Crest in white and the Papal Cross Keys in Red.

Middle ranks have a slightly lowered poke and we have another Borgia Papal flag this time in Red and then a Family Flag. The eagle eyed will notice I have placed the flags in the rear at the top of pike and then reduced the size of the flag pole in the middle ranks so that all four flags are visible from the front.

Front ranks on the extended bases I used on the other block although TAG don't do levelled pike figures these are around 45 degrees. I have been quite loose with the clothing in the Block using mostly Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and White as per the flags.

So that's 3 pike blocks of 48 figures so far, obvious a group shot required.

The Perry and TAG figures look fine side by side, I wouldn't mix them in the same unit but as part of the same Army no problem.


I've added a couple of 6 figure Gendarme units since the last YG blog post, both 28mm Foundry Figures with Petes Flags. The above photo includes my first Command Stand, two figures on an 80mm round base. The officer figure is metal Perrys whilst the Standard Bearer is from the plastic Light Cavalry box set. It was a bit of a light bulb moment realising that the plastic set included 12 perfect mounted flag carriers !

The second unit uses the same figures, this time with some Papal Flags, these Foundry Figures have been around for years but still cut the mustard. Good excuse to put all 6 units in the same shot.


Just the one Artillery piece to date, this one from Foundry.

Sword and Shield 

These figures are from the metal Perrys Range, described as Light Italian Infantry, they are armed with a sword and a oval shield. I have painted them up in a the red and white theme I have used earlier in the project.

I also kept up with the Command Stand push adding a Papal themed base with two figures from the metal Perrys Range and another plastic flag bearer.


I also revisited my Stradiots adding another 6 figures to the 6 I already had making a 12 figure unit.

It was also a good excuse to get a Command Stand done for my light Cavalry, this time both figures are from the plastic Light Cavalry box set.

So there we have the latest Italian Wars Project updates, the first phase of building the army is nearly done, I have a couple of Infantry units left along with 1 more Gendarme and a couple of light Cavalry units to go before the initial metal pile is spent. Just waiting to get them on the table now.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Storium Theory: Don't Count Yourself Out

Today, I'd like to spend a bit of time on something that I've seen here and there on Storium - cases where a person perhaps goes a bit too Weak with a Weakness play...and takes themselves out of a scene.

It feels right - it feels better than right, doesn't it? Isn't it a great expression of a Weakness to not just suffer a setback, not just suffer some kind of injury, but actually get knocked out or otherwise removed from play for a bit? is, and it isn't.

Let's start off with the good: This is, undoubtedly, an example of a player being very willing to show his character suffering for his Weakness. That's great, and that's an attitude that I hope people learn on Storium.

But actually taking yourself out...getting knocked out, getting poisoned to the extent that you can't move, draining yourself so much of energy that you're too exhausted to go on...there are times these things are appropriate, but they need to be used with restraint.

Otherwise, they can mess with the flow of a story.

I've seen it happen: A battle happens, one part of a longer sequence of events all taking place in a short period of time. One player plays a Weakness card and portrays themselves as exhausted, or poisoned, or just plain knocked out cold. Then the battle ends.

Now a few things can happen:
  • Somehow, the player character recovers very quickly, and keeps on going, so the story can keep moving. That's unsatisfying, as it feels like a major moment is just brushed over and somewhat ignored.
  • The narrator puts in a point where the group can rest for a while to make it seem more realistic that the player character takes time to recover from his state...but now the story loses momentum.
  • The story goes on, and the player character is put someplace safe to recover in the meantime, which means:
    • The player misses out on part of the story, or...
    • The narrator has to come up with things that happen around wherever the player character was left that they can work with in their current state.
I'm not particularly fond of any of these options. If you address a Weakness play that severe, you're going to find your story either feeling like it doesn't address the weakness properly, losing its momentum, or going on temporarily without a player (which can be harmful both to that player's experience with the story, and to the game as a whole, given how Storium tends to work). can make this work. You can. A good narrator who is used to letting the players have heavy story control, especially, can make this work out great. Maybe the group has to stop to allow the player character to recover, but in the process, the problem they're trying to address worsens. Or maybe that's the next challenge: Can they find things to help the player quickly enough that the next challenges don't worsen in the meantime?

But the thing is, even though you can make this just oftentimes ends up more trouble than it is worth to put in this strong of a Weakness play. You can get some great, great character moments and a strong feeling of struggle and danger and fading hope from injury or tiredness that still leaves the character able to go on to new fights.

Sometimes, that can be even stronger. If a character is knocked out, the group might stop to deal with that and then go on once he's recovered. If that happens, the knockout doesn't add as much tension to the story. If a character is injured or tired but still goes on, though, we see that in everything they do for the next few scenes - they're in a bad way, one arm too hurt to hold up their shield, or dragging themselves forward in the battle. It's powerful.

Stopping the story's progress can add some tension if managed properly, but continuing despite your wounds always adds tension.

I'm not saying that you should absolutely avoid major consequences as part of Weakness plays, mind! There are times when it is appropriate, entirely appropriate. Particularly late in the story, particularly when the narrator has told you this is the final battle, you might pull out these powerful Weakness plays. Because there - there - it won't make the story pause or lose momentum. It'll emphasize just how bad things are currently, just how much of a struggle it is for the characters...but there's nothing ahead that the players need to address.

Keep yourselves within the bounds of the challenge, but that is when you should be safer using some of these powerful Weakness concepts.

Before that? Before that, earlier in the story, don't go that far! Go lighter with what goes wrong...but use what goes wrong more. Pick up some kind of injury and carry it with you for the next few scenes, showing your character struggling with it. Show the tiredness that you're feeling, even as you struggle to move on.

Or almost encounter one of those points...and leave things open. Let someone else save you from them. Those can be amazing moments in a tale too.

Weakness plays don't have to be about solid, absolute consequences for your character. They can be about the threat of those consequences. They can be about what might happen if the battle isn't turned around. If you knock your character out, he's knocked out. That's certain. It's done. But if you put in the possibility, you're giving someone else the chance to write. And that's what Storium is all about - working with each other to write interesting or fun stories.

So I suggest pulling back from the solid a bit - work with possibilities. Get hurt and need help. Or, need help to avoid getting hurt. Get tired and struggle. Need someone's shoulder to lean on. Need someone to fight by your side. But unless the story really, truly demands it, don't get taken out entirely. That cuts off possibilities - like bluntly leaving in the middle of a conversation.

And if you're going to take yourself out at all, try not to do it while you still have card plays left for the scene! Hopefully narrators are taking my advice to not use up all their points, but still, it's useful if players keep open the option to play all their cards if needed.

Now, one more note here: I've already said that late in the story you might be fine pulling out heavier, solid consequences as part of a Weakness play if that's your thing. There are points earlier in the story where you might do that too. The narrator might even set them up specifically. If he does...go with it, obviously! If the Weak outcome is "you're all knocked out," well, that's what the outcome is, so do the normal thing with a Weak outcome if you get it and write your spin on that outcome! You get knocked out.

The narrator, obviously, will have planned for that possibility since he put it in the outcomes, right?

Similarly, you might find a situation where it feels like the consequences should be higher - where the outcomes suggest this battle or event is more dangerous than normal, or where you're already portraying your character in a bad way and it just feels like they should have something more solid happen to them on your next Weakness play. And that's fine...I just suggest that you consider talking to the narrator first. Remember, you're writing collaboratively: Check, when you're thinking about having something this major happen to your character, and work with the narrator to figure out how it can happen but still keep the story moving (and not exclude you as a player).

This isn't a solid "don't ever do this." I want to be clear on that. What it is is a caution: Be careful of how and when you do this. When a hero is solidly defeated in battle or exhausts herself in the service of a cause, that can be a great story moment. It's just important to make sure that it's the right time - and that it doesn't derail the story's momentum or leave it short of players in the process.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Curved Region Rendering

Around a month ago I had an idea in my head: a voronoi grid modified to have rounded cells that change in size. I made an attempt here for single cells changing size. The next step was to merge cells together, as I had done on this project. I decided that the way to demo this would be to simulate some kind of belief/cultural systems that spread over time across a map. I tried this here.

Screenshot of influence map experiment

It didn't go well.

What happened? I think the problem was that I had three unknown elements in this project:

  1. Simulation with the simplest rendering code I could get away with. Figure out what simulation rules are interesting and cool.
  2. Rendering isolines on a triangle mesh.
    Isoline on triangle
  3. Rendering curved isolines on a triangle mesh, using Bezier curves.
    Bezier isoline on triangle

In trying to figure out all three at once, I didn't do a good job on them. I should have instead focused on one at a time. I ended up succeeding with #2 when I learned about and implemented the Meandering Triangles algorithm, and also built a little interactive visualization that helped me understand how the algorithm works. I failed with #1, having tried several algorithms but not finding one that I liked. I realized towards the end of the week that #1 was a red herring; I didn't need a simulation at all, as I really just wanted curved regions. I also failed at #3, having tried some experiments but never finding what I wanted, and also rejecting Chaikin Curves for reasons I can't remember. Since I really wanted the curved variable sized regions, I should have spent more time on #3 and less on #1. I ran out of time on this project so I'll leave #1 and #3 for another day.

You can see the animation I ended up with.

What do I mean "I ran out of time"? That's the next blog post!

Thursday, February 20, 2020

DE: Updated List And BFG:A2

Still my favorite meme.

Hell, it has been a busy year for me.  Still enjoying playing my Dark Eldar whenever I can, but too busy to attend any events which has been a big bummer for me.  Well, where do we begin? Drukhari are still doing good, but dropped off the top tables once people knew how to to deal with them. Should this be a surprise to anyone?  Not really.  People just need time to adapt and even the Meat Mountain lists have been taking a backseat because Imperial Knights and other shenanigans have been setting the meta.  This is what happens with every new book and that's that people will take time to adapt, figure out the counters and then actively employ them in mass depending on what the meta is.  Either way, I've been getting in a few casual games with my local playgroup when I can but have been primarily out of the competitive circuit this year because of real life.

Don't worry though, I'm still getting my fill of active competitive Dark Eldar players whispering all the good stuff in my ear.  It's one thing to stay active in the meta and the other to keep updated.  The only thing that dulls over time is experience, but active play can always pick that back up.  If there's one piece of advice I can give you folks is to stay updated, even if you can't play so when you do jump back into the fray, you're not behind and know what to look out for.

With that said, my other minor update is to let you guys know that I'll be playing our faction on Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 and streaming it!  Yes, lol, I also stream.  I was a big player back in the original BFGA1 days but balance kind of ruined it for me.  Thankfully, balance will be a big focus in the second game (hell it better be, all 12 factions!) and the game looks primed for MP success.  Well, success in the sense that it's still a pretty niche market, but it looks to be much more polished overall.  I'll be playing all 3 Eldar factions but you guys know which one I'll be flexing first!

Oh yes, and here's my pure Kabal list that's been doing well, even against some of the new Knights.  I haven't really played against the new Orks though, and from what I hear, that might be rough.

Kabal of the Black Rose
1999 // 14 CP

Obsidian Rose Bat +5

Archon, Blaster, PGL = 92
Archon, Blaster, PGL = 92

5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
5x Warriors, Blaster = 47
5x Warriors, Blaster = 47


Black Heart Bat +5

Archon, Agonizer = 74
Cunning, Living Muse

Archon, Agonizer = 74

5x Warriors = 30
5x Warriors = 30
5x Warriors = 30

Ravager, Dissies = 125
Ravager, Dissies = 125
Ravager, Dissies = 125

Raider, Dissies = 80
Raider, Dissies = 80
Raider, Dissies = 80
Raider, Dissies = 80
Venom = 65
Venom = 65
Venom = 65


Black Heart Wing +1

Razorwing, Dissies = 135
Razorwing, Dissies = 135
Razorwing, Dissies = 135

Firepower Analysis:
19 Dissies at BS3+
6 Blasters at BS3+
2 Blasters at BS2+
3 Razorwing Missiles at BS3+
3 Splinter Cannons at BS3+
51 Splinter Rifles at BS3+

I was thinking of changing the Razorwings to Flayed Skull just to try them and so far they've been pretty decent.  They normally fly as Black Heart, but I really like their Strategem and the Ignore Cover is pretty big.  With the upcoming changes to Prepared Positions and rumors about more Cover systems, I'm going to be looking at Flayed Skull much more closely.

Discover The White City, Capital Of Arcadia

In Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm, we'll take you to all the main regions of Gaia: Arcadia, Submeria and Pirta. One place you'll get to know well is The White City, and today we'll discuss its history and points of interest.

The White City is the vibrant, rich capital of Arcadia: under the strong leadership of Archimedes, blessed by his continuous scientific breakthroughs, it has prospered and blossomed. After declaring himself Grand Regent, he spent the last 20 years upgrading the pre-existing feudal structures and turning the city into a shining jewel of industrialization; an example for all Gaia to behold.

The city, built by the sea, is an old settlement dating back to the savage wars waged in the name of Sol, Nieto, and Trito. While its feudal walls are ancient, most of the fortifications are of recent build, as is the new city center, developed above Archimedes' modern masterpiece: the Grand Core.

The city is divided into three main districts. Upper Town is where the high society and officers live. Before Archimedes' arrival, the area hosted the Order for All Gods (aka the Mage Guild), whose building is now occupied by the headquarter of Genco Corporation and its automatons workforce. Genco is responsible for the production of appliances and technological artifacts, and as such, it basks in the approving gaze of the Grand Regent. Mages, instead, are banned from the city, and while magic is not explicitly ostracized, few feel comfortable coming forward as users. Upper Town also has access to the railroad, which pierces the town from both East and West.

Lower Town, the area between the Trident fortifications, begins with Genco's loading docks, through which most of the goods come in and leave the White City. The permanent market stalls are a popular attraction, both for visitors and regular citizens. A small slum has spawned not far from the market; despite the efforts of the Grand Regent, the White City cannot embrace all its children, and some less fortunate citizens are forced to seek shelter from the elements under its massive stone arches. Lower Town also used to be the religious district; now, only ruins remain, to remind everyone of the sins committed during the religious strifes of the past.

Past Lower Town, a visitor would soon arrive at the doors of the Knights' Order, the oldest building in town. The palace is one of the few that has maintained its original features, a sign of the importance that the Knights still maintain in Arcadia. The administrative district begins beyond the Order, with offices and business-related infrastructures, such as the airport and the hangars of the Living Fortresses. The entrance of the Grand Core is where the public space runs out, and the influence of Archimedes' Palace, commanding the whole town from the White City's center, becomes predominant.     

Sounds like a place worth visiting? Pack your bags, this year you get to see it with your own eyes!

Warsow Is Now Warfork And On Steam

Warfork Gameplay (livestream - skip ahead 1m20s)

Last updated 2019-08-22 (see bottom of this article).

The title says it all. Warfork is the revival of Warsow. Warsow is cool (and super hard to master) but does not have servers running and no development ongoing.

Warfork is an ironically-named fork of Warsow, has CC0 art assets and is for now only released on Steam. The source supposedly is mostly based on qfusion, the source code is supposed to be available as a DLC.

I recognized one of my own CC0 sounds in the game (dong.wav) without attribution (which is totally fine both legally and morally) but it's too bad that assets (especially the nice announcer voice) can't be re-used/re-shared with voluntary attribution without digging around for it first.

Some art is limited by containing trademarked logos. Would be cool to have clean versions if anybody plans on packaging Warfork for official distro packages eventually.

Shortly after launch time there were around 50 people on all servers, later it was even more. Let's hope it ends up being a success and that many other open source games will dare following!

Warfork on Steam:
Warfork on Discord:

Fun for me: I found out about Warfork two hours before release time as I was checking out a discussion about bringing Unvanquished to Steam.

Y'all better start with for distribution first. ;)

Discuss about this article on our forums here.

Update 2019-08-20: 

  1. To my knowledge, the Warfork team is not required to publish the source, the offer to provide the source in the license included in the Steam release might suffice. Somebody who cares enough might try to contact them and ask for the source. [Oh wait somebody already did]. This worked when I asked for the source of an OpenArena Android port on the Play Store years ago.
  2. I was wrong about Warsow not being under development - Its Beta was updated just days ago. However I'm there are no regular servers available for players.
Update 2019-08-22:

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

By Blood, Short Film, Review And Interview

With the feel of a classic fantasy tale By Blood tells the story of confronting death. This film is well set and well told.

By Bloodwas screened at the 2019 FilmQuest film festival (website). It was nominated for Best Score and Best Costumes.

I would recommend this film to those who enjoy a good sword and sorcery style tale. Below Jonathan Delerue and Guillaume Enard shared more information about where they developed from and what it took to bring it to the screen to share. They also give a hint about what they have coming in the future and some tidbits about their past.

Synopsis: Once a ruthless war lord who won his land by his sword, Mort-Lieu is now a sick old man. A mysterious knight appears; Mort-Lieu believes the stranger is Death himself coming to get him. Facing his own end, Mort-Lieu has to confront his legacy.

What was the inspiration for By Blood?

We're Jonathan Delerue and Guillaume Enard. We are the director, writer and producer of the short movie "By Blood.". "Par le Sang" in French.

The story is loosely based on the iconic French knight DuGuesclin's story. DuGuesclin was an illegitimate child. He defeated anonymously all his father's men in a tournament to gain the right to bear his name. When he ended up confronting his father, he knelt down before him. It's a powerful and moving story! However, we quickly realized it was much better if narrated through the father's point of view, especially if the man is sick and facing his own death. You could build the story around the mystery and the threat of the Dark Knight. When we first considered about making a medieval film, we agreed to envision it as a western. We believe that the medieval genre should be to us French audience like western and samurai movies for the American and Japanese spectators.  We can call it a "Ratatouille Sword & Armor Western!" J

However, making a historical short film in France is extremely challenging because the industry believes producing this kind of feature is too complicated. The first two years we applied to the funding institutions in France with no results because of the scope of our film. If the French movie industry assumes making a historical movie is very expensive, we knew we could do it within a decent budget. When we understood that no one in France would make a bold move with such an unusual production, we decided to jump and fully self-finance it—and we created Claymore Films and we searched for a co-producer to take over the shooting...

What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?

We're started working with a well-known French Production Company on a full feature horror film. It's about an iconic French grim reaper… We also have a very ambitious project. It's a medieval thriller, something between The Silence of the Lambs and Name of the Rose.

What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?

Filmmaking is a particular art, a unique way to tell stories. You deal with costumes, sets, acting, light, music and so much specific, artistic craftsmanship. You can't achieve a film by yourself, you need to work with very talented people. It's a team effort to create a realistic fantasy world and bring one's vision to the big screen.

What would be your dream project?

It's a medieval movie based on a dark period of French History. We don't want to be too much historically accurate. We want to use History to tell our story. It's a siege movie with something of Shane and Mad Max 2 in it.

What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?

Jonathan likes to go trekking in the Northern countries. He's a true Stark! I like to read and watch movies myself.

What is one of your favorite movies and why?

Robin and Marian, directed by Richard Lester, with Sean Connery as Robin Hood and Audrey Hepburn as Marian. Returning to Sherwood from the crusades, old Robin Hood tries to ignite a new rebellion against King John like the old days. It's an amazing love story and a melancholic, fun movie about old age and the passing of time…

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by Sergio Leone… it's an epic, fun and very clever western that uses the three main characters' lust for gold to tell us about the mess that war brings…

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I have articles being published by others and you can find most of them on Guild Master Gaming on Facebookand Twitter(@GuildMstrGmng).

Is The MBTI Pseudo-Science?

After finding out my personality type (and more specifically preferences in the way I perceive and judge things) and finding the MBTI/Jungian concepts of cognitive functions deadly accurate, Google searches into these systems of personalities led to many articles debunking and criticizing MBTI and Jungian personality types as pseudo-science. 

On the flip side, the Big Five Personality Traits are considered scientific and verifiable. 

Indeed, taking the MBTI online tests, my personality flitted between J and P, and even after learning about the Jungian cognitive functions, which is more reliable, I still couldn't tell what my personality type is. 

For instance, I really couldn't tell what my dominant function is, since we use it automatically without thinking. However, it was obvious to me (without having to take the test) that I prefer extroverted intuition for sure, meaning when I think about things I like to come up with tons of ideas, sometimes not necessarily connected. So I'm definitely Ne. As for the other functions of my personality type, introverted sensing and extroverted thinking, I couldn't tell. In fact, in medical school, I could see myself thinking that I was Te dominant since I was on point with the schedules, even exercising 5 times/week.

However, when I took the Big Five Personality Trait at multiple different online sites, the percentage may change by a mere 10% or so, but it was always consistent, leading to the empathic idealist profile. This made me chuckle, since the INFP sounds very much like the empathic idealist.

So is the MBTI and Jungian cognitive functions psuedo-science? 

As I'm not a scientist, I had to go back to the basics. Exactly what is science? Science is a systematic way of organizing empirical data, that can be tested and replicated, to explain and predict patterns of the universe.

The scientist comes up with an idea, and through experiments and collection of replicable data, if the large amount of data confirms the idea, time after time, this idea becomes a theory.

Science is highly esteemed because you can either prove or disprove a theory using the same experiments, over and over again. You can also critique whether the experiments being used are actually testing what you are evaluating. Finally, can the question that you're investigating be measured in the first place?

For instance, supposed I want to prove my idea that cats are superior beings, and because I want to make sure this idea is in fact true, I could "make up"an experiment that really doesn't test that idea, but may "sound" like it does.

In this example, we can say that superior beings don't follow instructions and "do their own thing" since they don't follow the herd. Therefore, my experiment collects data in calling my cat to come to me. They stare blankly at me 100% of the time. We then test that with millions of other cats, and it tends to be true 99% of the time with 5 billion collection points. 

There are the rare cats that do know their names and even so, they may or may not come to their owners (only when they want to), proving even more strongly that cats are "superior" because they do what they want to do, when they want to, on their own terms.

Per scientific methods, this is trash. One, you can't measure if something is in fact superior (i.e. what is superior? how do you measure that?), and the experiment, while easily replicable, doesn't really measure anything.

Using these criteria, the MBTI test itself isn't valid because your personality type constantly changes even when you take the same test twice - I took the official MBTI two times and then the online ones so many times to figure out if I were a J versus P as discussed here.

Even the official MBTI test is problematic. In the typing of Stephen Colbert, who tested as an INFP, you saw how his eyes lit up (which mine did as well) when the tester asked if he's more attracted to witty, creative, imaginative, incisive wit (this is supposed to be "N" or intuition), or if you find someone who can make others comfortable in practical ways ("S" or sensory):

As soon as I heard the second choice, I chose the "wrong" answer for my type. I'm infinitely more impressed by people who make sure that when you come into their homes, that you're warm and toasty, making your favorite cheese and fruit platter, and providing your favorite matching wine.

In fact, almost everyone would be more impressed by someone who is thoughtful and kind, over someone who is "just" a "smart ass". Of course, ideally, someone like my best friend Todd has both where he would combine various statements I would make and instantly come up with a joke, parody, imitation in unexpected surprising ways, but also makes sure that I'm cozy, comfortable and taken care of.

However, if you're forced to be in a relationship with someone who can only have 1 trait, 100% of people would chose the "S" option.

A better way of seeing if someone is an N or S is by asking if they think about things by considering open-ended possibilities (N), or seeing things in a structured, logical systematic manner (S). I'm very "N" so I'm not sure if I used the correct wording for "S" types and how they think.

Indeed, even the much-touted, "psychologist approved" Big Five Personality Traits, you can come up with your wrong personality type. You may notice that it's not "good" to be neurotic and irritable (even if you are) and then answer the questions where you get strongly "agreeable" when you should have scored the opposite, in the high neuroticism range.

In other words, it's hard to measure personality, because the person may second-guess, or may not know themselves very well, making personality inventory testing problematic. Even more highly tauted "psychologist approved" tests such as the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory,  though that is used to screen mental disorders) can be problematic.

You can see how an extremely intelligent Narcissist or Antisocial person would answer such that they're healthy. Which is why psychologists use this as a screening tool, not as a diagnostic tool.

Perhaps the question should be, given all the problems of knowing yourself, or knowing yourself, but preferring the opposite since "opposites attract" leading to incorrect choices and wrong typing, the question should be this instead:

If you're in fact typed correctly, is the MBTI useful?  At least for me, it's extremely useful, because I can use my personality to accomplish what's most important to me, that's natural to who I am, without backlash.

When I try to solve things by being so fed up by my disorganization that I set up very rigid schedules and trying to organize my living space "to perfection", I end up being very critical of myself because I invariably fail and get overwhelmed.

Because of the failure and overwhelm, I get very grouchy and irritable, which leads to me becoming critical of others who aren't "pulling their weight" in terms of organizing and cleaning. Being critical and judgmental of others, as opposed to being accepting and open-minded, is one of the traits I hate the most about myself.

In MBTI/Jungian terms, this is my inferior Te function at work when I use it as my primary, ignoring my dominant and auxiliary functions that I use naturally (Fi and Ne). Forcing yourself to be something you're not almost always leads to disaster and/or is short-lived, because you can't be someone you're not.

On the flip side, if you find out that you're the opposite of me where you have extremely strong Te, using your Te dominant is the right thing to do, because you're good at it, and you use Te in a mature, healthy manner that's actually quite compelling and refreshing.

However, if I use my cognitive functions based on who I truly am, I tend to be very successful. For instance, when I was in a rut and every day's the same and there's a sense of dissatisfaction, I was able to come up with solutions.

One of my values (the jargon is Fi, introverted feeling at work) is to grow and be challenged, it makes sense to use my auxiliary Ne (extroverted intuition) to come up with possibilities and to think outside the box. I came up with Twitch streaming due to love of video games, and the extreme challenge of being entertaining (since I never had to use that skill), and wanting to create a warm, accepting community all fit my values (Fi) and what I found right to me based on my past experiences (Si).

Then, I use Te in the "right manner". Knowing that streaming fits my values and the challenge will jolt me out of the daily grind, I know I need a schedule, otherwise I would never stream. I set up a schedule, researched the in's and out's of streaming, finding practical ways to make streaming work for me.

The burn-out indeed came when I used my Te in the wrong way where I was results-oriented thinking about numbers. But renewed interest in streaming came about when I thought deeply about whether streaming is meaningful and fun. Does it make me happy, does it fit my values, and once I realize it has been helpful and rewarding, and ignore the number-driven results, I stopped being burned-out.

Another way in which knowing your personality type is seeing your blind-spots. I'm basically a slug, because I know myself very well. I know I'm 100% going to like something or not, so I close myself off to dreadful experiences such as going to frat parties, learning how to cook, learning how to garden, because I know 100% that these activities will lead to dread. 

However, using my auxiliary extroverted intuition (Ne) and being open to things, I force myself to do them because I see the value of experiencing these things, confirming what I already know, and using these experiences to laugh about with friends. 

As a complete introvert, I can go months without talking to my friends. This is a huge blind-spot and is definitely hurtful to others because they think, appropriately, that if you don't call them, you must hate them, don't value their friendship at all, and/or they did something wrong, even though that's far from the case. Strangely, I think about my friends all the time, but never call (talking on the phone makes me cringe), and I'm content to be alone for weeks on end.

As this causes clear problems in relationships, I use my inferior Te this week in fact, and actually set up a schedule to check my messages daily. I hate schedules, but this is meaningful to me, so it's been working. My daily activity list has things I want to do because they're meaningful to me and adds value to my life.

So I add things to that list such as making my bed. At night, I like the immediate gratification of crawling into sheet and blankets perfectly smoothed and evened out, distributing the warmth equally, as opposed to pulling the blankets on me, and ending up with clumps of warmth and cold spots. Since I highly value being comfortable, making my bed makes sense.

However, if you find that making your bed is a hassle, and you don't care about comfort, then do not make your bed, do not even waste your time thinking about it and feeling guilty about not doing so. In fact, there are scientific studies showing that making your bed may increase dust mites. Luckily, since I'm getting allergy shots, I've been making my bed so dust mites aren't going to cause problems.

Folding clothes adds no meaning to me, because it's just as easy to fish out the clothes I need, then spend hours folding. Further, the clothes are clean so it's not going to cause any sanitary problems if you don't fold. 

However, if you find organization truly soothes your soul and gives you peace of mind (clutter can be soul-sucking), and you love it when all your clothes are neatly hung up and in drawers, then by all means fold the laundry!

Washing dishes, vacuuming, steam mopping the floors, washing the bathrooms are a must for sanitary reasons.

Knowing who you are, and accepting who you are, you can find ways that lead to happiness, productivity and meaning. 

The MBTI/Jungian classification seems to be the one personality inventory that helped me figure this all out in a systematic, logical manner. As opposed to my having a hunch that being rigid doesn't work for me, but why not!, there must be something wrong with me, because it works for almost everyone else.

Indeed, American society operates this way, where being productive is to make sure you show up on time at work, follow the regimented schedule, and you find out if you're doing well if you get the results (this is very Te). So naturally, I think that if it works for the majority of Americans, it should work for me...but it never does.

Now knowing why using my Te (extroverted thinking) out of order is problematic, I know how to use my Te in the right order, thanks to understanding cognitive functions and stacking.

So it's very difficult to find your true MBTI type, unless you're very honest with yourself and insightful, but once you do, you see how it can be extremely helpful. But is it pseudo-science?

I'm not sure how to characterize the MBTI, except that at least for me (n=1), it's extremely accurate, and a very helpful therapeutic tool. Perhaps the MBTI is more philosophical in that it seeks to explain how you perceive and think about things. That doesn't mean that there's no truth and no value in MBTI. Just the opposite, it seems to be very accurate and honest. In fact, I found that the Taoist philosophy is in many ways more truthful than a lot of science. But, you can technically say that Taoism is a pseudo-science, because you can't really use experiments to prove if Taoism is scientific.

Everyone uses things that can't be proved by science, but nevertheless hold truths. Controversial topics such as people finding meaning and purpose in having faith and going to your place of worship for affirmation, love, support, interdependence, even though spiritual matters, can't be proved to be "correct" by science. And, controversy again, quite a few people find religion and spirituality "psuedo-science", which is the code, pejorative word for "bull-shit".

However, for a lot of people, having faith is not only extremely valuable but life-affirming, and leads to positive community building, lifting people out of depression, despair and despondency that can come from being disconnected.

Likewise, why throw MBTI out the window? For me at least, it's the personality system that not only makes the most sense to me, but also the most useful. I finally understand why I do the things I do in a systematic manner. As opposed to having a vague hunch about why I fail if I operate in the typical "American" results-driven way and berate myself as a result.

I can now leverage this concrete information to be a more productive and happy person, as opposed to using the cookie cutter method of "just be more organized" and "just do it" which would work for quite a lot of people, but not for me.

In fact, I was often critical of myself because of my procrastination and how I can't just plunge in and do the things that I need to do! Now I am better able to accept myself, and solve problems in a more cohesive and enduring manner.

The question, "Is the MBTI Pseudo-science?" is the wrong question to ask. Rather, the question posed should be, "is it helpful?" If you manage to get consistent results even on the flawed online MBTI tests, knowing your cognitive function and stacking will help you to accept yourself, and find more cohesive and effective ways to solve problems based on how you operate.

The answer is yes, it has been helpful to me and many others, which is why MBTI still endures despite all the flack.

The How of Happiness Review

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Brave Browser the Best privacy-focused Browser of 2019

Out of all the privacy-focused products and apps available on the market, Brave has been voted the best. Other winners of Product Hunt's Golden Kitty awards showed that there was a huge interest in privacy-enhancing products and apps such as chats, maps, and other collaboration tools.

An extremely productive year for Brave

Last year has been a pivotal one for the crypto industry, but few companies managed to see the kind of success Brave did. Almost every day of the year has been packed witch action, as the company managed to officially launch its browser, get its Basic Attention Token out, and onboard hundreds of thousands of verified publishers on its rewards platform.

Luckily, the effort Brave has been putting into its product hasn't gone unnoticed.

The company's revolutionary browser has been voted the best privacy-focused product of 2019, for which it received a Golden Kitty award. The awards, hosted by Product Hunt, were given to the most popular products across 23 different product categories.

Ryan Hoover, the founder of Product Hunt said:

"Our annual Golden Kitty awards celebrate all the great products that makers have launched throughout the year"

Brave's win is important for the company—with this year seeing the most user votes ever, it's a clear indicator of the browser's rapidly rising popularity.

Privacy and blockchain are the strongest forces in tech right now

If reaching 10 million monthly active users in December was Brave's crown achievement, then the Product Hunt award was the cherry on top.

The recognition Brave got from Product Hunt users shows that a market for privacy-focused apps is thriving. All of the apps and products that got a Golden Kitty award from Product Hunt users focused heavily on data protection. Everything from automatic investment apps and remote collaboration tools to smart home products emphasized their privacy.

AI and machine learning rose as another note-worthy trend, but blockchain seemed to be the most dominating force in app development. Blockchain-based messaging apps and maps were hugely popular with Product Hunt users, who seem to value innovation and security.

For those users, Brave is a perfect platform. The company's research and development team has recently debuted its privacy-preserving distributed VPN, which could potentially bring even more security to the user than its already existing Tor extension.

Brave's effort to revolutionize the advertising industry has also been recognized by some of the biggest names in publishing—major publications such as The Washington Post, The Guardian, NDTV, NPR, and Qz have all joined the platform. Some of the highest-ranking websites in the world, including Wikipedia, WikiHow, Vimeo, Internet Archive, and DuckDuckGo, are also among Brave's 390,000 verified publishers.

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