Sunday, April 26, 2020

ShellShock Payload Sample Linux.Bashlet

Someone kindly shared their sample of the shellshock malware described by the Malware Must die group - you can read their analysis here:

File: fu4k_2485040231A35B7A465361FAF92A512D
Size: 152
MD5: 2485040231A35B7A465361FAF92A512


SHA256: e74b2ed6b8b005d6c2eea4c761a2565cde9aab81d5005ed86f45ebf5089add81
File name: trzA114.tmp
Detection ratio: 22 / 55
Analysis date: 2014-10-02 05:12:29 UTC ( 6 hours, 50 minutes ago )
Antivirus Result Update
Ad-Aware Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
Avast ELF:Shellshock-A [Expl] 20141002
Avira Linux/Small.152.A 20141002
BitDefender Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
DrWeb Linux.BackDoor.Shellshock.2 20141002
ESET-NOD32 Linux/Agent.AB 20141002
Emsisoft Linux.Backdoor.H (B) 20141002
F-Secure Linux.Backdoor.H 20141001
Fortinet Linux/Small.CU!tr 20141002
GData Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
Ikarus Backdoor.Linux.Small 20141002
K7AntiVirus Trojan ( 0001140e1 ) 20141001
K7GW Trojan ( 0001140e1 ) 20141001
Kaspersky 20141001
MicroWorld-eScan Linux.Backdoor.H 20141002
Qihoo-360 Trojan.Generic 20141002
Sophos Linux/Bdoor-BGG 20141002
Symantec Linux.Bashlet 20141002
Tencent Win32.Trojan.Gen.Vdat 20141002
TrendMicro ELF_BASHLET.A 20141002
TrendMicro-HouseCall ELF_BASHLET.A 20141002
nProtect Linux.Backdoor.H 20141001

More articles

Chapter 1To 5 HTML


................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 1: Getting started with HTML
................................................................................................................ 2
Section 1.1: Hello World 2
Chapter 2: Doctypes
.................................................................................................................................................... 4
Section 2.1: Adding the Doctype 4
Section 2.2: HTML 5 Doctype 4
Chapter 3: Headings
.................................................................................................................................................... 5
Section 3.1: Using Headings 5
Chapter 4: Paragraphs
.............................................................................................................................................. 6
Section 4.1: HTML Paragraphs
Chapter 5: Text Formatting
.....................................................................................................................................  6
.....................................................................................................................................  7
Section 5.1: Highlighting 7
Section 5.2: Bold, Italic, and Underline 7
Section 5.3: Abbreviation 8
Section 5.4: Inserted, Deleted, or Stricken 8
Section 5.5: Superscript and Subscript 8
Chapter 1: Getting started with HTML

Version Specification Release Date
1.0 N/A 1994-01-01
2.0 RFC 1866
3.2 W3C: HTML 3.2 Specification
4.0 W3C: HTML 4.0 Specification
4.01 W3C: HTML 4.01 Specification
5 WHATWG: HTML Living Standard
5.1 W3C: HTML 5.1 Specification
Section 1.1: Hello World

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) uses a markup system composed of elements which represent specific content. Markup means that with HTML you declare what is presented to a viewer, not how it is presented. Visual representations are defined by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and realized by browsers. Still existing elements that allow for such, like e.g. font, "are entirely obsolete, and must not be used by authors"[1].
HTML is sometimes called a programming language but it has no logic, so is a markup language. HTML tags provide semantic meaning and machine-readability to the content in the page.
An element usually consists of an opening tag (<element_name>), a closing tag (</element_name>), which contain the element's name surrounded by angle brackets, and the content in between:

There are some HTML elements that don't have a closing tag or any contents. These are called void elements. Void elements include <img>, <meta>, <link> and <input>.
Element names can be thought of as descriptive keywords for the content they contain, such as video, audio, table, footer.
A HTML page may consist of potentially hundreds of elements which are then read by a web browser, interpreted and rendered into human readable or audible content on the screen.
For this document it is important to note the difference between elements and tags:

Elements: video, audio, table, footer

Tags: <video>, <audio>, <table>, <footer>, </html>, </body>

Element insight

Let's break down a tag...

The <p> tag represents a common paragraph.

Elements commonly have an opening tag and a closing tag. The opening tag contains the element's name in angle brackets (<p>). The closing tag is identical to the opening tag with the addition of a forward slash (/) between the opening bracket and the element's name (</p>).
Content can then go between these two tags: <p>This is a simple paragraph.</p>.
Creating a simple page

The following HTML example creates a simple "Hello World" web page.

HTML files can be created using any text editor. The files must be saved with a .html or .htm[2] extension in order to be recognized as HTML files.

Once created, this file can be opened in any web browser.

Simple page break down

These are the tags used in the example:

Tag Meaning
<!DOCTYPE> Defines the HTML version used in the document. In this case it is HTML5.
See the doctypes topic for more information.
Opens the page. No markup should come after the closing tag (</html>). The lang attribute declares


the primary language of the page using the ISO language codes (en for English). See the Content Language topic for more information.
Opens the head section, which does not appear in the main browser window but mainly contains information about the HTML document, called metadata. It can also contain imports from external stylesheets and scripts. The closing tag is </head>.
Gives the browser some metadata about the document. The charset attribute declares the character encoding. Modern HTML documents should always use UTF-8, even though it is not a requirement. In HTML, the <meta> tag does not require a closing tag.
See the Meta topic for more information.
<title> The title of the page. Text written between this opening and the closing tag (</title>) will be displayed on the tab of the page or in the title bar of the browser.
<body> Opens the part of the document displayed to users, i.e. all the visible or audible content of a page. No content should be added after the closing tag </body>.
<h1> A level 1 heading for the page.
See headings for more information.
<p> Represents a common paragraph of text.

1. ↑ HTML5, 11.2 Non-conforming features
2. ↑ .htm is inherited from the legacy DOS three character file extension limit.
Chapter 2: Doctypes

Doctypes - short for 'document type' - help browsers to understand the version of HTML the document is written in for better interpretability. Doctype declarations are not HTML tags and belong at the very top of a document. This topic explains the structure and declaration of various doctypes in HTML.
Section 2.1: Adding the Doctype
The <!DOCTYPE> declaration should always be included at the top of the HTML document, before the <html> tag.

Version ≥ 5

See HTML 5 Doctype for details on the HTML 5 Doctype.

Section 2.2: HTML 5 Doctype
HTML5 is not based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), and therefore does not require a reference to a DTD (Document Type Definition).
HTML 5 Doctype declaration:

Case Insensitivity

Per the HTML 5 DOCTYPE Spec:

A DOCTYPE must consist of the following components, in this order:

1. A string that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string "<!DOCTYPE".

therefore the following DOCTYPEs are also valid:

This SO article discusses the topic extensively: Uppercase or lowercase doctype?
Chapter 3: Headings

HTML provides not only plain paragraph tags, but six separate header tags to indicate headings of various sizes and thicknesses. Enumerated as heading 1 through heading 6, heading 1 has the largest and thickest text while heading 6 is the smallest and thinnest, down to the paragraph level. This topic details proper usage of these tags.
Section 3.1: Using Headings
Headings can be used to describe the topic they precede and they are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags. Headings support all the global attributes.

<h1> defines the most important heading.
<h6> defines the least important heading.

Defining a heading:

Correct structure matters

Search engines and other user agents usually index page content based on heading elements, for example to create a table of contents, so using the correct structure for headings is important.
In general, an article should have one h1 element for the main title followed by h2 subtitles – going down a layer if necessary. If there are h1 elements on a higher level they shoudn't be used to describe any lower level content.

Example document (extra intendation to illustrate hierarchy):

Chapter 4: Paragraphs

Column Column
<p> Defines a paragraph
<br> Inserts a single line break
<pre> Defines pre-formatted text

Paragraphs are the most basic HTML element. This topic explains and demonstrates the usage of the paragraph element in HTML.

Section 4.1: HTML Paragraphs

The HTML <p> element defines a paragraph:


You cannot be sure how HTML will be displayed.

Large or small screens, and resized windows will create different results.

With HTML, you cannot change the output by adding extra spaces or extra lines in your HTML code. The browser will remove any extra spaces and extra lines when the page is displayed:
Chapter 5: Text Formatting

While most HTML tags are used to create elements, HTML also provides in-text formatting tags to apply specific text-related styles to portions of text. This topic includes examples of HTML text formatting such as highlighting, bolding, underlining, subscript, and stricken text

Section 5.1: Highlighting

The <mark> element is new in HTML5 and is used to mark or highlight text in a document "due to its relevance in another context".1

The most common example would be in the results of a search were the user has entered a search query and results are shown highlighting the desired query.


A common standard formatting is black text on a yellow background, but this can be changed with CSS.

Section 5.2: Bold, Italic, and Underline
Bold Text

To bold text, use the <strong> or <b> tags:


What's the difference? Semantics. <strong> is used to indicate that the text is fundamentally or semantically important to the surrounding text, while <b> indicates no such importance and simply represents text that should be bolded.

If you were to use <b> a text-to-speech program would not say the word(s) any differently than any of the other words around it - you are simply drawing attention to them without adding any additional importance. By using
<strong>, though, the same program would want to speak those word(s) with a different tone of voice to convey that the text is important in some way.

Italic Text

To italicize text, use the <em> or <i> tags:


What's the difference? Semantics. <em> is used to indicate that the text should have extra emphasis that should be stressed, while <i> simply represents text which should be set off from the normal text around it.

For example, if you wanted to stress the action inside a sentence, one might do so by emphasizing it in italics via
<em>: "Would you just submit the edit already?"

But if you were identifying a book or newspaper that you would normally italicize stylistically, you would simply use
<i>: "I was forced to read Romeo and Juliet in high school.

Underlined Text

While the <u> element itself was deprecated in HTMl 4, it was reintroduced with alternate semantic meaning in HTML 5 - to represent an unarticulated, non-textual annotation. You might use such a rendering to indicate misspelled text on the page, or for a Chinese proper name mark.

Section 5.3: Abbreviation

To mark some expression as an abbreviation, use <abbr> tag:

If present, the title attribute is used to present the full description of such abbreviation.

Section 5.4: Inserted, Deleted, or Stricken

To mark text as inserted, use the <ins> tag:

To mark text as deleted, use the <del> tag:

To strike through text, use the <s> tag:

Section 5.5: Superscript and Subscript

To offset text either upward or downward you can use the tags <sup> and <sub>. To create superscript:

To create subscript:

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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Top10 Java Script Blogs To Improve Coding Skills

10 Top JavaScript Blogs to Improve Coding Skills

The Best JavaScript Blogs

With two decades of improvement, JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming languages of all time. The journey started in 1995 when Brendan Eich created JavaScript in just 10 days. From there, it has seen multiple revisions, drafts, and growth in the form of frameworks, API's, modules, etc. Today, we will go forward and list the top JavaScript blogs from the internet so that you can enjoy the lastest development in the field of JavaScript.

According to RedMonk programming language rankings and, JavaScript is leading the pack in the terms of repositories and the most discussed programming language on StackOverFlow. The numbers itself speaks about the future of JavaScript as it has grown beyond the initial capabilities of simple DOM manipulations.

Learning JavaScript, on the other hand, can be a tricky proposition. New libraries, features, API's or Style Guide, pop up almost every day. The speed of iteration is beyond imagination, and that is why reading leading JavaScript blogs are the best approach to keep up with new changes.


JavaScript is blessed with experts that regularly contribute to the community using live streams, videos, blogs, podcasts, conferences and open source projects. An example of a cool experienced Javascript programmer is evilsoft who broadcasts awesome Javascript projects weekly on LiveEdu..

Some blogs are just gold even when they are not updated frequently. To help you reach the best content on JavaScript, let's list the best JavaScript blogs on the internet. The following blogs have a huge fan following and contain epic JavaScript content.

10 Top JavaScript Blogs to Improve Coding Skills

1. David Walsh Blog

David Walsh is a renowned name in the JavaScript world. He started his career with DZone, but his first real break came while working for SitePen as a Software Engineer. His blog composes of topics related to JavaScript, personal thoughts, guides and much more. The blog design is captivating and is going to hook you up on the first visit. Currently, he is working as a Senior Web Developer at Mozilla.

top javascript blogs

2. DailyJS

DailyJS is one of the best JavaScript blogs on the internet. The blog was started by Alex R. Young, an entrepreneur and Node.js expert in 2009. However, there are recent changes that don't sound great. Currently, the blog is no longer updated, but that does not make the content useless at all. The blog covers diverse content on JavaScript including frameworks, API's, libraries, etc.


3. SitePoint

SitePoint is one of the leading web development portals since 2000. The main attraction of SitePoint is the collection of highly detailed articles. They are aimed at teaching something new to the readers. JavaScript, on the other hand, is one of the leading topics on the website where experts around the world contribute regularly. The rate of the new blog post is high, and you won't find a blog post that doesn't teach you something new. Truly, a great learning place for any JavaScript developer.



Not technically a blog, but if you love JavaScript, then you need to follow the website's offerings. news section is an aggregator for excellent JavaScript news, tutorials, guides, and much more. All you need to do is move to their news section and discover tons of new content surrounding JavaScript. The domain is owned by CodeSchool and is mainly utilized to contribute to the community and a landing page to their courses.


5. Brendan Eich

What's the best place to find JavaScript knowledge? The inventor? Well, you are right. Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript, keeps his blog with filled with his musings and other excellent thought processes about JavaScript. You can also find videos on the blog. Virtually, the blog is the mind of JavaScript where you understand it in an entirely different manner.


6. JavaScript Playground

JavaScript Playground is yet another great place to get started with all the different JavaScript frameworks, API, and libraries. The focus is to work with the JavaScript ecosystem and provide high quality blog articles, screencast, and podcast for the audience. They also blog about different JavaScript guidelines, tips, and tricks.


7. Superhero.js

If you are looking for a superhero to fetch you the best resources on JavaScript, then you have finally found one. Superhero.js is a simple website that aims to collect everything related to JavaScript including videos, articles, presentations, etc. The content is divided into meaningful sections such as "Understanding JavaScript", "Organize Your Code", etc. Also, the page is regularly updated with new information.


8. JavaScript Jabber

Another "not a blog entry" into the list — JavaScript Jabber is a weekly podcast on JavaScript. Each podcast is around 1 hour of jabber and will sure have something for you to learn. They keep their tab on everything related to JavaScript, including core concepts to popular Framework discussions.


9. Medium JavaScript Collection

Is medium a blog? Technically, not, but it contains high quality JavaScript articles. Medium is a way to connect to the audience so be ready to read many opinions on how JavaScript should have been, and what's wrong with JavaScript. Other than the ramblings, it hosts amazing JavaScript content such as Speed Up Web Apps.


10. Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is one of the oldest websites covering web designing and development. They have a dedicated section for JavaScript, which is constantly updated with tutorials of high caliber. The tutorials surround other web development ideas such as UX, Productivity, etc.



Here are the ten best JavaScript blogs to improve your coding skills. The blogs and mix of other content types will help you to keep up with new changes in JavaScript field, and improve yourself accordingly.

If you are new to JavaScript and want to get started as soon as possible, check out the JavaScript learn section on And, yes, it is the most popular programming language on which can benefit from your attention! Also, don't forget to leave a comment on how the JavaScript category page can be improved. We are listening!

Dr. Michael J. Garbade

About Author Dr. Michael Jurgen Garbade is the founder of LiveEdu.TV, Kyuda, Education Ecosystem. He is future Venture Capitalist, Future Politician and always on the lookout for the Next Big Challenge. Obtained Masters in business administration and physics, and a Ph.D. in finance with professional work experience in high-paced environments at Fortune 500 companies like Amazon and General Electric. Expertize: Python, PHP, Sencha Touch & C++, SEO, Finance, Strategy & E-commerce. He speaks English and German and has worked in the US, Europe, and Asia. At Education Ecosystem he is the CEO and runs business operations.

Read more

An Overview Of Exploit Packs (Update 25) May 2015

Update May 12, 2015

Added CVE-2015-0359 and updates for CVE-2015-0336

Reference table : Exploit References 2014-2015

Update March 20, 2015

Added CVE-2015-0336

Update February 19, 2015

Added Hanjuan Exploit kit and CVE-2015-3013 for Angler 

Update January 24, 2015

Added CVE-2015-3010, CVE-2015-3011 for Agler and a few reference articles. 
If you notice any errors, or some CVE that need to be removed (were retired by the pack authors), please let me know. Thank you very much!

Update December 12, 2014

Update Jan 8, 2014

 This is version 20 of the exploit pack table - see the added exploit packs and vulnerabilities listed below.

                                             Exploit Pack Table Update 20                                           
  Click to view or download from Google Apps

I want to give special thanks to Kafeine  L0NGC47,  Fibon and  Curt Shaffer for their help and update they made.  Note the new Yara rules sheet / tab for yara rules for exploit kit.
I also want to thank Kahu securityKafeineMalforsec and all security companies listed in References for their research.

If you wish to be a contributor (be able to update/change the exploits or add yara rules), please contact me :)
If you have additions or corrections, please email, leave post comments, or tweet (@snowfl0w) < thank you!

The Wild Wild West image was created by Kahu Security  - It shows current and retired (retiring) kits.

List of changed kits
Gong Da / GonDad Redkit 2.2 x2o (Redkit Light)Fiesta (=Neosploit)  Cool  Styxy DotkaChef
CVE-2012-1889CVE-2013-2460CVE-2013-0634 CVE-2013-1493
CVE-2012-4681CVE-2013-2551 CVE-2013-2423

Angler FlashPack = SafePack White Lotus Magnitude (Popads)Nuclear 3.x Sweet Orange 
CVE-2013-2551 CVE-2013-2551CVE-2013-0634CVE-2013-0422CVE-2013-2551
CVE-2013-2471 ??CVE-2013-2471CVE-2013-2460

CK HiManNeutrino  Blackhole (last)Grandsoft  Private EK
CVE-2011-3544CVE-2010-0188CVE-2013-0431CVE-2013-0422CVE-2010-0188 CVE-2006-0003
CVE-2012-4792*CVE-2013-2465CVE-2013-2465*and + all or someCVE-2013-2423CVE-2013-1347
CVE-2013-0634* switch 2463*<>2465*from the previousCVE-2013-2423
CVE-2013-3897Possibly + exploitsversionCVE-2013-2460
* removedfrom the previous

Sakura 1.x LightsOutGlazunov Rawin Flimkit  Cool EK (Kore-sh)Kore (formely Sibhost) 
and + all or someCVE-2013-1690CVE-2013-2423CVE-2013-2471CVE-2013-2463
from the previous

Styx 4.0Cool Topic EK Nice EK
CVE-2013-2423and + all or some
CVE-2013-2463from the previous
Social Eng


The Explot Pack Table has been updated and you can view it here.

Exploit Pack Table Update 19.1  - View or Download from Google Apps

If you keep track of exploit packs and can/wish  to contribute and be able to make changes, please contact me (see email in my profile)
I want to thank L0NGC47, Fibon, and Kafeine,  Francois Paget, Eric Romang, and other researchers who sent information for their help.

Update April 28, 2013 - added CVE-2013-2423 (Released April 17, 2013) to several packs. 
Now the following packs serve the latest Java exploit (update your Java!)

  1. Styx
  2. Sweet Orange
  3. Neutrino
  4. Sakura
  5. Whitehole
  6. Cool
  7. Safe Pack
  8. Crime Boss
  9. CritX

Other changes
  1. Whitehole
  2. Redkit
  3. Nuclear
  4. Sakura
  5. Cool Pack
  6. Blackhole
  7. Gong Da
  1. KaiXin
  2. Sibhost
  3. Popads 
  4. Alpha Pack
  5. Safe Pack
  6. Serenity
  7. SPL Pack

    There are 5 tabs in the bottom of the sheet
  1. 2011-2013
  2. References
  3. 2011 and older
  4. List of exploit kits
  5. V. 16 with older credits

March 2013
The Explot Pack Table, which has been just updated, has migrated to Google Apps - the link is below. The new format will allow easier viewing and access for those who volunteered their time to keep it up to date.

In particular, I want to thank
L0NGC47, Fibon, and Kafeine  for their help.

There are 5 tabs in the bottom of the sheet
  1. 2011-2013
  2. References
  3. 2011 and older
  4. List of exploit kits
  5. V. 16 with older credits
The updates include
  1. Neutrino  - new
  2. Cool Pack - update
  3. Sweet Orange - update
  4. SofosFO aka Stamp EK - new
  5. Styx 2.0 - new
  6. Impact - new
  7. CritXPack - new
  8. Gong Da  - update
  9. Redkit - update
  10. Whitehole - new
  11. Red Dot  - new

The long overdue Exploit pack table Update 17 is finally here. It got a colorful facelift and has newer packs (Dec. 2011-today) on a separate sheet for easier reading.
Updates / new entries for the following 13 packs have been added (see exploit listing below)

  1. Redkit 
  2. Neo Sploit
  3. Cool Pack
  4. Black hole 2.0
  5. Black hole 1.2.5
  6. Private no name
  7. Nuclear 2.2 (Update to 2.0 - actual v. # is unknown)
  8. Nuclear 2.1  (Update to 2.0 - actual v. # is unknown)
  9. CrimeBoss
  10. Grandsoft
  11. Sweet Orange 1.1 Update to 1.0 actual v. # is unknown)
  12. Sweet Orange 1.0
  13. Phoenix  3.1.15
  14. NucSoft
  15. Sakura 1.1 (Update to 1.0  actual v. # is unknown)
  16. AssocAID (unconfirmed)  

Exploit lists for the added/updated packs

AssocAID (unconfirmed)
Unknown CVE


Neo Sploit


Black hole 2.0
CVE-2012-4969 promised

Black hole 1.2.5
CVE-2007-5659 /2008-0655

Private no name

Nuclear 2.2 (Update to 2.0 - actual v. # is unknown)

Nuclear 2.1 (Update to 2.0 - actual v. # is unknown)

Java Signed Applet


Sweet Orange 1.1

Sweet Orange 1.0

Phoenix  3.1.15
CVE: 2010-0248
CVE: 2011-2371
Firefox social
CVE: 2012-0500


Sakura 1.1

Version 16. April 2, 2012

Thanks to Kahu security
for Wild Wild West graphic 

The full table in xls format - Version 16 can be downloaded from here. 



1. Blackhole Exploit Kit 1.2.3
  1. CVE-2011-0559 - Flash memory corruption via F-Secure
  2. CVE-2012-0507 - Java Atomic via Krebs on Security
  3. CVE-2011-3544 - Java Rhino  via Krebs on Security
2. Eleonore Exploit Kit 1.8.91 and above- via Kahu Security
  1. CVE-2012-0507 - Java Atomic- after 1.8.91was released
  2. CVE-2011-3544 - Java Rhino
  3. CVE-2011-3521 - Java Upd.27  see Timo HirvonenContagio, Kahu Security and Michael 'mihi' Schierl 
  4. CVE-2011-2462 - Adobe PDF U3D
Also includes
"Flash pack" (presumably the same as before)
"Quicktime" - CVE-2010-1818 ?
3. Incognito Exploit Pack v.2 and above 
there are rumors that Incognito development stopped after v.2 in 2011 and it is a different pack now. If you know, please send links or files.

Added after v.2 was released:
  1. CVE-2012-0507 - Java Atomic
See V.2 analysis via StopMalvertizing

4. Phoenix Exploit Kit v3.1 - via Malware Don't Need Coffee
  1. CVE-2012-0507 -  Java Atomic
  2. CVE-2011-3544 -  Java Rhino + Java TC (in one file)

5. Nuclear Pack v.2 - via TrustWave Spiderlabs

  1. CVE-2011-3544 Oracle Java Rhino
  2. CVE-2010-0840 JRE Trusted Method Chaining
  3. CVE-2010-0188 Acrobat Reader  – LibTIFF
  4. CVE-2006-0003 MDAC
6. Sakura Exploit Pack > v.1 via DaMaGeLaB

  1. CVE-2011-3544 - Java Rhino (It was in Exploitpack table v15, listing it to show all packs with this exploit)

7. Chinese Zhi Zhu Pack via Kahu Security and Francois Paget (McAfee)
  1. CVE-2012-0003 -  WMP MIDI 
  2. CVE-2011-1255 - IE Time Element Memory Corruption
  3. CVE-2011-2140 - Flash 10.3.183.x
  4. CVE-2011-2110 - Flash 10.3.181.x 
  5. CVE-2010-0806 - IEPeers

8. Gong Da Pack via Kahu Security 
  1. CVE-2011-2140  - Flash 10.3.183.x
  2. CVE-2012-0003 -  WMP MIDI  
  3. CVE-2011-3544 - Java Rhino 

  1. CVE-2010-0886 - Java SMB
  2. CVE-2010-0840 - JRE Trusted Method Chaining
  3. CVE-2008-2463 - Snapshot
  4. CVE-2010-0806 - IEPeers
  5. CVE-2007-5659/2008-0655 - Collab.collectEmailInfo
  6. CVE-2008-2992 - util.printf
  7. CVE-2009-0927 - getIco
  8. CVE-2009-4324 - newPlayer

Version 15. January 28, 2012

Additions - with many thanks to Kahu Security

 Hierarchy Exploit Pack

Siberia Private

Techno XPack

"Yang Pack"

Version 14. January 19, 2012

Version 14 Exploit Pack table additions:

Credits for the excellent Wild Wild West (October 2011 edition) go to

With many thanks to  XyliBox (Xylitol - Steven),  Malware Intelligence blog,  and for the information:

  1. Blackhole 1.2.1  (Java Rhino added, weaker Java exploits removed)
  2. Blackhole 1.2.1 (Java Skyline added)
  3. Sakura Exploit Pack 1.0  (new kid on the block, private pack)
  4. Phoenix 2.8. mini (condensed version of 2.7)
  5. Fragus Black (weak Spanish twist on the original, black colored admin panel, a few old exploits added)
If you find any errors or CVE information for packs not featured , please send it to my email (in my profile above, thank you very much) .

The full table in xls format - Version 14 can be downloaded from here. 

The exploit pack table in XLSX format
The exploit pack table in csv format 

P.S. There are always corrections and additions thanks to your feedback after the document release, come back in a day or two to check in case v.15 is out.

Version 13. Aug 20, 2011

Kahusecurity issued an updated version of their Wild Wild West graphic that will help you learn Who is Who in the world of exploit packs. You can view the full version of their post in the link above.

Version 13 exploit pack table additions:
  1. Bleeding Life 3.0
  2. Merry Christmas Pack (many thanks to
  3. Best Pack (many thanks to
  4. Sava Pack (many thanks to
  5. LinuQ 
  6. Eleonore 1.6.5
  7. Zero Pack
  8. Salo Pack (incomplete but it is also old)

List of packs in the table in alphabetical order
  1. Best Pack
  2. Blackhole Exploit 1.0
  3. Blackhole Exploit 1.1
  4. Bleeding Life 2.0
  5. Bleeding Life 3.0
  6. Bomba
  7. CRIMEPACK 2.2.1
  8. CRIMEPACK 2.2.8
  9. CRIMEPACK 3.0
  10. CRIMEPACK 3.1.3
  11. Dloader
  12. EL Fiiesta
  13. Eleonore 1.3.2
  14. Eleonore 1.4.1
  15. Eleonore 1.4.4 Moded
  16. Eleonore 1.6.3a
  17. Eleonore 1.6.4
  18. Eleonore 1.6.5
  19. Fragus 1
  20. Icepack
  21. Impassioned Framework 1.0
  22. Incognito
  23. iPack
  24. JustExploit
  25. Katrin
  26. Merry Christmas Pack
  27. Liberty  1.0.7
  28. Liberty 2.1.0*
  29. LinuQ pack
  30. Lupit
  31. Mpack
  32. Mushroom/unknown
  33. Open Source Exploit (Metapack)
  34. Papka
  35. Phoenix  2.0 
  36. Phoenix 2.1
  37. Phoenix 2.2
  38. Phoenix 2.3
  39. Phoenix 2.4
  40. Phoenix 2.5
  41. Phoenix 2.7
  42. Robopak
  43. Salo pack
  44. Sava Pack
  45. SEO Sploit pack
  46. Siberia
  47. T-Iframer
  48. Unique Pack Sploit 2.1
  49. Webattack
  50. Yes Exploit 3.0RC
  51. Zero Pack
  52. Zombie Infection kit
  53. Zopack

Bleeding Life 3.0
New Version Ad is here 

Merry Christmas Pack
read analysis at
Best Pack
read analysis at
Sava Pack
read analysis at
Eleonore 1.6.5 
[+] CVE-2011-0611
[+] CVE-2011-0559
[+] CVE-2010-4452
[-] CVE-2010-0886
Salo Pack
Old (2009), added just for
the collection

Zero Pack
62 exploits from various packs (mostly Open Source pack)
LinuQ pack
Designed to compromise linux servers using vulnerable PHPMyAdmin. Comes with DDoS bot but any kind of code can be loaded for Linux botnet creation.
LinuQ pack is PhpMyAdmin exploit pack with 4 PMA exploits based on a previous Russian version of the Romanian PMA scanner ZmEu. it is not considered to be original, unique, new, or anything special. All exploits are public and known well.

It is designed to be installed on an IRC server (like UnrealIRCD). IP ranges already listed in bios.txt can be scanned, vulnerable IPs and specific PMA vulnerabilities will be listed in vuln.txt, then the corresponding exploits can be launched against the vulnerable server. It is more like a bot using PMA vulnerabilities than exploit pack.
It is using
CVE-2009-1148 (unconfirmed)
CVE-2009-1149 (unconfirmed)
CVE-2009-1150 (unconfirmed)
CVE-2009-1151 (confirmed)

Version 12. May 26, 2011
additional changes (many thanks to

See the list of packs covered in the list below

The full table in xls format - Version 12 can be downloaded from here.
I want to thank everyone who sent packs and information  :)

Version 11 May 26, 2011 Changes:
    1. Phoenix2.7
    2. "Dloader" (well, dloader is a loader but the pack is  some unnamed pack
    3. nuclear pack
    4. Katrin
    5. Robopak
    6. Blackhole exploit kit 1.1.0
    7. Mushroom/unknown
    8. Open Source Exploit kit


    10. May 8, 2011 Version 10        Exploit Pack Table_V10May11
    First, I want to thank everyone who sent and posted comments for updates and corrections. 

    *** The Wild Wild West picture is from a great post about evolution of exploit packs by Kahu Security  Wild Wild West Update

    As usual, send your corrections and update lists.

    • Eleonore 1.6.4
    • Eleonore 1.6.3a
    • Incognito
    • Blackhole
    Go1Pack  (not included) as reported as being a fake pack, here is a gui. Here is a threatpost article referencing it as it was used for an attack 
    Also, here is another article claiming it is not a fake
    Go1 Pack CVE are reportedly

    Does anyone have this pack or see it offered for sale?

    Exploit kits I am planning to analyze and add (and/or find CVE listing for) are:

    • Open Source Exploit Kit
    • SALO
    • K0de

    Black color entries by Francois Paget
    Red color entries by Gunther
    Blue color entries by Mila

    Also, here is a great presentation by Ratsoul (Donato Ferrante) about Java Exploits (

     9.  April 5, 2011  Version 9        ExploitPackTable_V9Apr11

    It actually needs another update but I am posting it now and will issue version 10 as soon as I can.

    Phoenix 2.5
    Bleeding life

    Many thanks to Gunther for his contributions.
    If you wish to add some, please send your info together with the reference links. Also please feel free to send corrections if you notice any mistakes

    8. Update 8 Oct 22, 2010 Version 8 ExploitPackTable_V8Oct22-10

    1. Eleonore 1.4.4 Moded added (thanks to
    2. Correction on CVE-2010-0746 in Phoenix 2.2 and 2.3. It is a mistake and the correct CVE is CVE-2010-0886 (thanks to etonshell for noticing)
    3. SEO Sploit pack added (thanks to, and

    7. Update 7 Oct 18, 2010 Version 7 ExploitPackTable_V7Oct18-10 released
     thanks to SecNiche we have updates for Phoenix 2.4 :)
    We also added shorthand/slang/abbreviated names for exploits for easy matching of exploits to CVE in the future. Please send us more information re packs, exploit names that can be added in the list. Thank you!

    6. Update 6 Sept 27, 2010 Version 6 ExploitPackTable_V6Sept26-10 released
     Thanks to Francois Paget (McAfee) we have updates for Phoenix 2.2 and Phoenix 2.3

    5. Update 5. Sept 27, 2010 Version 5 ExploitPackTable_V5Sept26-10 released
    Added updates for Phoenix 2.1 and Crimepack 3.1.3

    4 Update 4  July 23, 2010  Version 4 ExploitPackTable_V4Ju23-10 released. Added a new Russian exploit kit called Zombie Infection Kit to the table. Read more at
    Update 3  July 7, 2010. Please read more about this on the Brian Krebs' blog Pirate Bay Hack Exposes User Booty 
    Update 2 June 27, 2010 Sorry but Impassioned Framework is back where it belongs - blue
    Update 1 June 24, 2010 Eleonore 1.4.1 columns was updated to include the correct list of the current exploits.

    Francois Paget kindly agreed to allow us to make additions to his Overview of Exploit Packs table published on Avertlabs (McAfee Blog)

    Many thanks to Gunther from ARTeam for his help with the update. There are a few blanks and question marks, please do no hesitate to email me if you know the answer or if you see any errors.

    Please click on the image below to expand it (it is a partial screenshot)  Impassioned Framework is tentatively marked a different color because the author claims it is a security audit tool not exploit pack. However, there was no sufficient information provided yet to validate such claims. The pack is temporarily/tentatively marked a different color. We'll keep you posted.

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