Monday, February 22, 2010

The Best Seller - of all time

It made me think about a few things in relation to this part of life - what is indeed the real best seller of all time. Is it some novel written by some popular author, a book labeled as New York Times Best Seller.  I would have to say that the real best seller of time and will continue to rake in sales most likely even after I am gone is the Bible.  It has sold many copies and it would be possible that we have failed to get the numbers correct since the first time this book was even published.  Not only that but this is one of those books translated into languages to suit its readers apart from being translated to specific vernacular to ensure that it reaches every single person in the globe today.

In addition to it -  it speaks of a lot of things and has been the source of answers and even questions from a lot of different individuals across all cultures - i guess.

But my personal conviction on this matter is that this book has been instrumental in relation to my growth as a person in the aspect of knowledge and wisdom.  I am not going to argue with anybody who say otherwise but one thing is clear with me - that this book, every single page of it is alive and is applicable until today.  I have learned a lot from it and I am confident you will also especially if you give it a try and be open minded about it.

In the coming days we will share with you specific things about what the Bible say about certain things - whether in life in general or to be more specific in relationship, business and marketing even management.

Stay plugged in and do not miss out on the next post. Better yet register so the system can send you updates regarding this blog.

Looking forward to keeping in tab with you.

God bless you!



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