Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Want a promotion? - Luke 16

If you go to a book store and look for the answer to the question – Want a promotion? You will more than likely find a few books trying to respond to that question.  This may somewhat come as a mere question but I believe that most if not all would want to be promoted.  Whether you are in a corporate setting or a none traditional set-up you would want to be promoted.

Promotion is at times given because it is a necessity but it does not mean you deserve it like for instance you are currently a son but at one point you impregnated someone and she bore your child.  With such a dilemma now you are not just a son to your father but you are also a father to your son - a promotion.  Prepared or not then you will have to take up the role of the father.

The story of the shrewd manager (verses 1-13) and the rich man and Lazarus story(verses 19-31) speaks of a similarity that we can live by in relation to the question of getting a promotion.

Luk 16:11  If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?
Luk 16:12  And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another's, who will give you that which is your own?

These verses reveal a very straight forward idea in relation to how we do our task/s or the task/s given to us.  Even if how small or minute we see these task we can not assume a posture that I cannot be assigned to this assignment or this area because I know I deserve better – does this sound familiar?  Bare in mind that the people above us are not Gods’.  They probably act like one but it does not mean they are thus we can conclude that they do not know us for sure as to competency in relation to a much higher job assignment or better area.  But if we react in a way that would appear conceited or if you are a euphemist you would say I was just being honest by telling your boss I deserve better then you can now either look for another job soon or probably expect that you will not be given assignments you think you deserve.  What this part of the book is saying is that we need to accept that role given to us and give it our best.  With such a productive reaction to the assignment given to you I am pretty sure that you are going to get a much better assignment or a much better area or in summary a promotion.  Let me quote from the verse above specifically in verse 12  And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another's, who will give you that which is your own?

This may prove to be an easy thing to do but this would require a choice and a decision that you will have to be firm on and that is viewing things in a positive way.  Do not look at it as some punishment but rather see a much better situation ahead of you as you perform the job in the best way possible.


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