Sunday, February 28, 2010

Follow the Law – pay your taxes (correct tax)

Following the law of the land – wherever you do business it is a must for any of us who are in business or who intends to go into business. 
Anywhere you go like in our city there are a number of things needed before you go into business like the most common requirement – Business Permit and this permit requires registration with a number of government agency like the Department of Trade and the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
A number of people would feel bad about paying the right dues because the argument would be that the people in government (not the government) would just steal these taxes through corruption.  I do will not argue with anybody on this but the bottom line is that there is a law by which the said City is under and thus the need for anybody regardless of stature or affiliation must follow. Why should we follow the law? Because the Bible tells us so.
Below is an example that Jesus Christ Himself highlighted the need for us to pay taxes.
Luke 20:19  And the chief priests and the scribes made attempts to get their hands on him in that very hour; and they were in fear of the people, for they saw that he had made up this story against them.
Luke 20:20  And they kept watch on him, and sent out secret representatives, who were acting the part of good men, in order that they might get something from his words, on account of which they might give him up to the government and into the power of the ruler.
Luke 20:21  And they put a question to him, saying, Master, we are certain that your teaching and your words are right, and that you have no respect for a man's position, but you are teaching the true way of God:
Luke 20:22  Is it right for us to make payment of taxes to Caesar or not?
Luke 20:23  But he saw through their trick and said to them,
Luke 20:24  Let me see a penny. Whose image and name are on it? And they said, Caesar's.
Luke 20:25  And he said, Then give to Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and to God the things which are God's.
Luke 20:26  And they were not able to get anything from these words before the people: but they were full of wonder at his answer, and said nothing.
Apart from this side of the New Testament there is another New Testament record of this found in Romans 13:1-7 whereby all are ask to submit to the authority. In Romans it is God that it is God that establishes authority in the land and that He has the authority to unseat rulers if it is His will. Again I will not try to lead you into idealisms as it might end up into a debate which is not what the Word of God has thought me. 
We need to pay our taxes right as it will later on create that cycle in our country or city that our children will later on enjoy or as the Lord will allow it we may even become the benefactors of such righteous way of doing business. Besides there might come a time when you need to call on the cops or the police to help you with something – that is tax payers money in the works. You would not want them to tell you that you are not paying for their services when you call them if there is a robbery in your place of business.
Let me close this in this way – there is that saying which says “what you sow is what you will reap” – any religion in the world today believes in this and if suppose today you do not follow the law of the land because you do not believe in the person in leadership then think about yourself in your own field of business.  What if the people under you do the same thing? How would you feel? Please do not blame God about it because it is simply the cycle of your own doings. What you sow is what you will reap.

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