Monday, March 1, 2010

Cast your bread upon the waters - Diversify


Ecclesiastes 11:1  Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days.
Ecclesiastes 11:2  Give a portion to seven, yea, even unto eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth.
Let me jump to another book in the Old Testament as this will give entrepreneurs wisdom on how to work things when they start their business and must be part of the initial plan so as to ensure a direction by which expansion and diversification is the way to go.
This is an interesting book although people see this or those who read it thought that this is somewhat negative but the learning we can get from this book surely encompasses the usual way of thinking and is forward looking in terms of application in life and in this case in business.
Ecclesiastes 11 starting verse teaches a very interesting note.  It says here that we need to cast our bread upon the waters.  Some translation even speaks of casting bread in different water for we can find profit from it and the next verse tells us about appropriating our resources in the context of business and even in life in general.  Although the anticipation of saving for the rainy days is not what I am talking about but I am trying to share with you a concept by which we must put in specific amounts in different aspect of our lives and even in business.
This tells us that even in business the Lord means well for us so we can become a blessing for others. I do hope and pray that you have such a heart and I am confident the God Almighty will return to you what is due you.
God bless you!

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