Monday, March 22, 2010

Early this year our Senior Pastor invited over Ms. May - an intercessor and prophet of another church.  Since we firmly believe that such is a gift to the body of Christ our Senior Pastor invited her to speak to our church. 
Before Ms. May said yes to the invitation she forewarned our Senior Pastor about what she might see and exposed in church that day. Still our Senior Pastor pushed with the invitation and Ms. May came to church that Sunday(early this year – if my memory serves me correct it was in the first two weeks of January 2010).
Her (Ms. May) warning stems from her past experience when she was invited over to other churches and upon reaching the place she would see in the Spirit sin and other things which saddened her and had to expose that very moment.
Our experience was different.  After the praise and worship she walked towards the pulpit and begun to speak with a huge smile on her face.  She started by saying that it was her first time to come to a church service over-filled with joy and anticipation of the presence of the Lord. She started prophesying about our future condition as a congregation wherein we will be used for the expansion of God’s kingdom in Davao , then in Mindanao and then the world.  All of us felt happy and our spirits were lifted up and we were encouraged.
For my very own experience – my wife and I came to church including our children.  Most people felt great that day seeing from their faces when I entered the sanctuary that very Sunday but I on the contrary felt heavy with concerns of the future specifically my debts which were starting to take its regular cycle against my favor.  But the Lord told me a few days before that, that He will take care of me and my family including all other circumstance confronting us – this includes our debt.  Worry over took me the first few minutes  I got to church that Sunday.  Things began to change during the service – I felt better.  I felt Gods’ presence taking over the place most especially when Ms. May started to speak and prophesied to us a church.  After the service I was on my regular activity-preparing things to stored like the laptop and the projector I was assigned to operate when Ms. May looked at me, I felt a certain amount of fear came over me that very moment. She then wave her hands signaling to me to come to her – which at that time I felt hesitant but then again the Spirit of the Lord prompted me to go to her.  When I got an arms length away from her she placed her hands on my head and started to pray. She declared that “I am releasing what needs to be released, I have unclogged what needs to be unclogged”, while she waves her other hand seemingly cutting something from the air around me.  She also made mention of the flow of milk and honey over me.I could not help but let my tears run through my cheeks that very moment.  I didn’t care whether people saw me sobbing in Joy at that time.  After that awesome experience I approached her and told her that she confirmed the word the Lord told me a few days earlier that God will give to me what He has promised especially relating to Jeremiah 29:11 and me and my family being in the promise land. I thanked her for being an instrument to confirm the message of the Lord in my life. Then she looked at me again and prophesied again that she saw in me the gift to study and understand the word of God. That made me cry again with joy. 
There was no way she could have known those things which she declared upon me.  There was no way she knew my present condition.
Later in the afternoon my our Senior Pastor called me over the phone and asked me whether I knew what Ms. May prayed to me. I told her about the “unclogging” and “releasing” messages which she declared upon me and our Senior Pastor insisted whether it was explained to me what Ms. May really saw.  I responded “no”. Our senior Pastor then started to explain what Ms May shared to their group over lunch that very same Sunday – Ms May said that when she saw me she was a bit amused by the vision she got. She saw a nipple swelling with something gripping it close and for that reason the milk and honey could not flow through my life. Listening to what my senior Pastor was telling me with excitement – I felt the same thing as well.  I remembered what the Lord told me last year that He will take me to a land overflowing with milk and honey.  I believe in that.  Because it was the Lord who told me such a promise.
Today, two months later – I am believing with anticipation of the fulfillment of the promise of the Lord in my life and it made me remember another prophet who told me in 2008 that she saw a huge balloon like image on top of my head almost about to burst.  That made me realized what Ms. May Prophesied to me that sunny Sunday morning.
Just a few minutes ago my mother asked me to buy a few vegetables from the wet market area in our neighborhood and while I was walking my way back home the Lord spoke to me a told me to read Joshua 11.  The entire chapter, which I did read when I got home and what struck me the most is this verse Joshua 11:6  And the Lord said to Joshua, Have no fear of them: for tomorrow at this time I will give them all up dead before Israel; you are to have the leg-muscles of their horses cut and their war-carriages burned with fire.  In our out of context I believe that the Lord is speaking to me here that tomorrow afternoon the promises of the Lord will be manifested.
I will wait upon how the Lord will show His glory in the circumstances of my life and how He will burn down to dust all those things that have taken away the Shalom of the Lord in my life.
Tomorrow is a new day.  A dawn of  new era wherein I and my entire household will bring glory to the Lord God and be a blessing to the body of Christ.
In Addition - early this year the Lord told me in one of my devotion that I am to have a son and I will name him Corban which means “given to God” in this regard my wife and I already agreed to the name without hesitation and we will include a second name completing our baby boys’ name Corban Elisha. Elisha having a double portion of anointing compared to that of his mentor.
In closing my dad, my youngest daughter were sitting in the sala and my dad saw a post man walking by and he jokingly said “that could be a warrant” – referring to my responsibilities. My immediate response was “ in Jesus name! That is not true and it will not happen since the Lord will make true His promises to me”.
With all of these things going on in my life I do believe that the Lord simply wants to have His glory seen in our life.  In that regard I urge you to find your purpose in life by asking the Lord and I assure you that He will not fail you as He did not fail me.
To God be the Glory!!

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