Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In Everything Give Thanks

I just came home from a very fruitful conversation somewhat like a fellowship with my friends Glen, Gigi and Myla. I enjoyed the coffee and the learning I got from that we were talking.


My friend and brother Glen just came out from a break up that really devastated him.  He poured out his heart to us tonight.  Praise the Lord, He gave me the wisdom to share some things that would relate to the concerns of the heart of my friend. But in as much as he probably got something from our conversation – I must say I learned a lot from Glen tonight.  Especially when he shared about individuals who came out of a life and death situation, a sickness that could have ended their lives but instead of giving up they had the grace from the Lord and got the strength to surpass their condition and emerge victorious.  Then I remembered what the Lord showed me in His words in the book of Joshua pertaining to breaking the barriers – there was one part on the principles there which talked about "shift in paradigm".


I have my concerns today, as you most likely have your own but our life challenges will not even equal that of those who go through cancer and live through it. Then I remembered what Jessie's mother shared to us raising her hand with fingers flexed saying that each finger bare different heights thus each one of us have been given different situations all of which the Lord assured us – we have the strength to come out victorious especially if we acknowledge the Lord for it and be thankful for that is another time for us to become stronger and better individuals. 


I do not know about the challenge you are currently facing but one thing is for sure amidst all of this – find the time and look at it on the perspective of growth for you as a person. At the end of the day – the Lord God Almighty, the Great I Am is simply molding us to be a blessing for others. As to how? Depends on how you perceive your current condition. 


1Thessalonians 5:18  In everything give praise: for this is the purpose of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Whatever you are experiencing today – give thanks. See it in Gods eyes.  Read the Bible and find out what the heart of God is, for you, for others in this situation you have today.


God bless you!



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