Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It has begun!!!

I just got home from a coffee meeting with a friend and partner of mine.

He updated me with a few huge development about his personal career as he was now employed with a new company under a Top Corporation in the Philippines .  He told me about his training though a week ago when he was in Manila .

I am very happy hearing that news from him especially that he just lost his job a few months ago.

I on the other hand lost left the same company he came from 2 years ago. Between that span of time I was employed on a part time basis for two instances. I was even writing articles for the internet.  Although it took me two years to finally get a better offer with a employment package that I was very happy to hear. I thank the Lord that all through out the 2 year period the Lord has been faithful in the provisions that we needed. Especially in terms of food and clothing. Apart from the fact that my kids were able to go to school – in a private school.

Early this morning, before I had coffee with my friend I got a phone call.  A call that I must say is simply the beginning of better and greater things in my life and in my family.  Ms. Joanne called up and informed me that she will be sending my Job Offer anytime this week and I might get it either this week or after the holidays. This means that I will be back to the corporate world again starting next month.

All of these things that are happening in my life, I believe is simply just the beginning because there are still a few things that which I know the Lord will do that will further show the glory of the Most High God in my life.

Apart from seeing changes in my life I saw a number of changes in this country – and how the Lord will show His glory not just to us Filipinos but to the nations of the world.  He is about to change this nation to the better and I will be part of the change as well as a contributor for the change the Lord will be doing in this country.

The Jubilee celebration of the Philippines has been celebrated in Cebu and it has opened doors in the spiritual that will surely affect the physical.

I look forward to my very own instance of the Promised Land or a Promised Life.  One that will bring glory to the name of the Lord and one that will surely bring the name of Jesus Christ to the cities and towns of this nation and to the nations of the world.

When I say it has begun – it has begun for me, my family, for the body of Chirst and for the Philippines .

Be a part of the Change today!


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