Friday, March 5, 2010


People have asked me why do I put the word Shalom at the end of my text and for those whom I interact with why I greet them Shalom or instead of saying goodbye I would use Shalom.

This is why the word Shalom is a Hebrew word   שָׁלוֹם  or Shalom which means (Strong Hebrew Dictionary 7965) completeness, soundness, welfare, peace but not limited to. Strongs' Exhaustive Concordance which gave out these words that would go close to the word Shalom - well, favor, friend, great, good health, perfect.  As for me this is a holistic declaration of blessing to anybody. Whether they believe it or not still I would prefer to declare blessing to those I interact with regardless of medium.

At times I do not get this word back in return when I say this to them.  For me it does not matter. I do believe in the saying "what you sow is what you will reap".  I have sown Shalom thus I will reap Shalom.

To all who read our blog i declare that "the Shalom of the Lord be upon you and your family"


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