Wednesday, March 3, 2010

“I declare blessing upon Sir Elton John and that the shalom of the Lord be upon him”

A few days ago February 22, 2010 I was with a very close friend of mine over a cup of coffee in a coffee shop in Davao City. In the middle of a lull, when my best friend and brother Glen went to the comfort room to do his stuff I picked up a newspaper and got the shock of my life. I read a statement of Sir Elton John - "I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems".

First I felt disgusted about the statement this was way off what Dan Brown suggested in His novel that Jesus Christ had a relationship with Mary Magdalene. The next feeling I got was pity. Pity over Sir Elton John. I am in no position to condemn him as everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion but I do not agree with him though to put it bluntly. How grave was this statement? It was so horrendous that The Catholic League, the largest US Catholic rights group, condemned the comments. "Jesus was certainly compassionate, but to say he was 'super-intelligent' is to compare the son of God to a successful game-show contestant," league president Bill Donohue said in a statement.
I pray for Sir Elton John that he would affirm the conviction that the Holy Spirit has given him.
This is not a sad day for me reading such statement from somebody with a huge public influence. I do hope though that a majority if not all will have the same feeling I have now to just simply pray for Sir Elton John.

If I were to say something to Sir Elton John it would be this;
“I declare blessing upon Sir Elton John and that the shalom of the Lord be upon him”

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