Monday, March 22, 2010

It is a wonderful day! To God be the glory!

Lamentations 3:21  This I keep in mind, and because of this I have hope.
Lamentations 3:22  It is through the Lord's love that we have not come to destruction, because his mercies have no limit.
Lamentations 3:23  They are new every morning; great is your good faith.

There are new every morning. This should be how we face the day regardless of the circumstance. The fact that you woke today is a miracle in it self thus you reading this is a miracle in itself.

I just came back from my usual 30-minute morning jog and I enjoyed the experience of getting the morning breeze. You should try it. You need no pay for gym fees just jog somewhere for 30 minutes straight.

I like the message of Lamentation specifically what is posted above. The summary for it is that the love and mercy of God is new every morning.

God loves you!

His mercy is overflowing thus you need not worry about the things to come just focus on the Love iof God and what he has prepared for you and me as He has revealed through His servant Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Another translation of this version of this verse states that the Lord will give us a future we hope for and that His plans for us is to prosper us.

That is something we can look for and anticipate with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who gave us salvation by His death on the cross and the victory He brought about when He resurrected 3 days later.

His love is indeed great for He let His only begotten Son die for your sins and mine.

Thank you Jesus Christ!

To God be the glory!


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