Saturday, February 13, 2010

Employment: To Be or Not To Be

That is the question. So profound, yet quite confusing. A little daring? But simply amusing. I am what you might consider, someone who is caught between the two states of thought. Being employed for so long has somewhat satisfied my longing for structure and guarantee in these horribly uncertain times. But alas, my comfort zone has now been taken away from me... Time for a paradigm shift, I said to myself. Though I have read many books and articles, to hopefully prepare myself for the long term goal of becoming financially free, it never got the actual focus it richly so deserved. Thus, I am now one of the many unemployed who availed of early retirement (mandatory sounds too harsh).

It has just been 4 months of freedom from the corporate leash, and I have already associated myself with like-minded people, who has similar long-term goals as mine. We have just started our reselling business with very minimal capital, but with significant return. And then I thought, business ain't bad. Also, with a few tips from the books of my favorite authors, Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki, life I feel is a myriad of dreams waiting to become one big reality.

And now I'm hoping this blog would eventually lead us to improve ourselves further with your insights and comments.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that.
    We Filipinos need a bit of a nudge here and there just to make us move from employee to employer. It is funny though when the government tries to convince us that they are making jobs but in hindsight I believe what they should be supporting is generation of business opportunities for Filipinos and support for Filipino great ideas. We have a lot - a huge number of this was taken by foreigners because our government lack to support for such endeavors to flourish.

    Lastly, the battle is in the mind. We must break free from the norms of our society specifically the education system as we have been hard geared for employment or to become employees rather than become entrepreneurs.
