Friday, June 18, 2010

People around us are catalyst of change

When we go around parading and looking for people to change then you will be at a lost for this type of individuals. But when you change your perspective and see things in the vantage point of unselfish humble acceptance that we are the ones who needs change then you will be surprised by the myriad of opportunity to change for the better.

We do not change people – it is the Holy Spirit who does that. With this we can see all around us individuals who are instruments of change for us. We do not come to change the world to become what we want it to be but rather we embrace humanity not with a mundane eyes its but with enthusiasm or optimism that God made things good and it is to compliment our growth on a regular basis.

God prescribed for us to grow as stated in 1 Peter 2:2 Like newborn babies, thirst for the pure milk of the word so that by it you may grow in your salvation. in this regard we can grow with God.  Christ did not just change the world in a sovereign manner but rather He effected change by fulfilling prophecies and exemplifying love and servanthood. That is how we need to approach the world today.

Admit it – even you needs more growth.

I praise God for He has continuously allowed me to grow with the appointments that God has designated for me to meet for my growth for His glory.

To God be the glory!



Friday, May 14, 2010

The Lord will show His glory in our life any time soon

It is a blessed week.

Although to-date I have yet to receive confirmation regarding an official starting date for an insurance company I am still blessed because this week has been something huge for our Tuesday – Couples meeting, Wednesday – Over comers – young peoples gathering and Friday – Artist Night.  All four of us have seen development in terms of attendees thus we are becoming a blessing to this people and because God is present in every meeting individuals are being touched.

Apart from this two days ago Dr. Coching confirmed that my wife and I have a baby boy on the way.  That is more than what I desired.

Just this week also my wife and I were walking along downtown area – and I asked her if she is getting the same conviction in my heart that the Lord is telling me that He is about to pour out his blessings upon me and my family – my wife confirmed what I heard from the Lord for she too is looking at something miraculous that even the people around me will see the glory of God unfold.

The Lord will show His glory any time soon. .


Thursday, April 29, 2010

To God be the glory!

It has been a hectic week. Our weekday has never been this booked.  We were picking up things from our previous place of celebration to a much better fellowship center in the heart of Davao City.

It was exhausting but fun.


Apart from this – specifically yesterday a client called me up and asked me to come over and check his cable service.  On my way there the Lord impressed upon my heart that before I leave the house I need to just pray for the owner of the house.  Hesitation was the first reaction but when I asked him "can I pray for you sir?" – he did not say no and I was able to do what the Lord told me to do and become a blessing for that guy. At the end of the day I simply obeyed the Lord and I know that He is pleased with me.


Obey the Lord.  This is a result of faith.



Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our lives as an offering

I finished the book of Exodus yesterday and today I have started to read Leviticus.  In the Pentateuch or the first five books of the Bible the book of Leviticus covers a huge chunk of detailed commands from the Lord to His people.


What is very interesting is that this book starts in a forms by which we as classified saints in the new testament age as proposed by Paul (1Cotinthians 1:2  unto the church of God which is at Corinth, even them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place, their Lord and ours-Paul addressed his letters to churches and called each one of them saints). The books starts with the directives on offering.  I will not go into details on the offering but let me emphasize that this offering today can become our lives. Verse 3 of Leviticus 1 highlights a blemish free offering thus would suffice that our lives need to be also blemish free.  You might argue that such as prospect in life will be challenging or down right difficult but allow me to encourage you that by the grace of Jesus Christ this can be done (John 16:33  I have said all these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world.) We can now say with confidence that it can be done in Christ. Not by our strength but through Jesus Christ only.


This book is an excellent guide book for any saints of today. I encourage you to enjoy reading this book and relate the things you find here in your life as the Holy Spirit will convict you. 

An invitation >  Start enjoying the new things the Lord has been doing in this season.  I know that it is not just for me – you can be a partaker of it also.  Say this prayer and be part of the faith – "dear Jesus, I thank you for your forgiveness for all the sins I have done in the past.  I believe that you came and died for me and three days later you rose from death and starting today I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I also believe with my entire being that new things will begin to unfold before my eyes and your will be done upon my life.  I receive all of this by faith in Jesus Christ, amen."

If you said that prayer, I am happy as well as the angels in heaven who are celebrating for your name has been written in the Book of Life. You have made me very happy and I am overjoyed by your decision of faith. Drop me a mail, send me your prayer request so I can pray for you and your family.

To God be the glory!






Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The power of the OIL in the Bible(the Oil Part II)

The Bible is filled with a lot of instances by which the Oil is used.  Although what is basic about this Oil is that it is specifically Olive Oil.  In the Old Testament Kings were anointed with Oil, before they were to sit on the throne they need to be anointed first. David was a classic example.  He was anointed by Samuel.  Apart from this when the Lord commanded Moses to make the Tent of Meeting practically every single item mentioned was anointed (Exodus 30) with oil though a special concoction was made to anoint Aaron as priest(Exo 29:7). What is to be noted here is that one of the effects and major result expected from this anointing of oil is for sanctification and consecration.


Jumping to the New Testament this oil became a picture of power.  I believe they still used oil in this part of the Bible for anointing but what was prevalent in the New Testament was the fact that the as believers of Jesus Christ we were commanded to use oil and lay our hands on the sick and they will be healed(James 5:13-15).  


This speaks of the power and importance of the anointing oil in the Bible. There is indeed power for it for the saints of today.


An invitation >  Start enjoying the new things the Lord has been doing in this season.  I know that it is not just for me – you can be a partaker of it also.  Say this prayer and be part of the faith – "dear Jesus, I thank you for your forgiveness for all the sins I have done in the past.  I believe that you came and died for me and three days later you rose from death and starting today I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I also believe with my entire being that new things will begin to unfold before my eyes and your will be done upon my life.  I receive all of this by faith in Jesus Christ, amen."

If you said that prayer, I am happy as well as the angels in heaven who are celebrating for your name has been written in the Book of Life. You have made me very happy and I am overjoyed by your decision of faith. Drop me a mail, send me your prayer request so I can pray for you and your family.

To God be the glory!




Tuesday, April 20, 2010

An odd close

The book of Exodus made an odd close.  If you are a writer then you will assume that Moses who wrote the book that He does not have the skills in writing as it is today.


My assumption is simple – Moses wrote what history has done and how the Lord wants it to be closed.  The book Exodus is just part of the Pentateuch or the first five books of the Bible which houses the laws and commands from the Lord.


This has been a long discussion for a lot of individuals both in and out of the church.  Those who read the Bible and those who spend little time. 


Going back to the close of the book of Exodus. IT closed with a description specifically the moving of the Tent of the Lords' presence.  It was only move when the presence of the Lord moves – the pillar of clouds which cover it by the day and the pillar of fire which hovers above it by night.


In conjunction to it, let me highlight that Moses went to places or followed the direction of the Lord simply with one basic criteria – if the Lord will not go with him then he will not go.  In our lives we need to adopt this so as to ensure that whatever we do on a regular basis is simply because it is the Lords' will and the anointing of the Lord is upon you or simply saying that it is the will of the Lord. This might pose as a challenge but none the less this ensures that our decisions will indeed be the right one.


The period or the law and the period of grace must not be drawn between the timeline of the Bible all the more the days we live today.


We all deserve grace – that is a resolve concern but we need to live by what grace results to and that is by following the commands of the Lord. The commandments of God is not simply for the Jew but for you and me as well. But then again I do pray that you will make that decision with the help of the Holy Spirit.


Do not be left behind.  Start enjoying the new things the Lord has been doing in this season.  I know that it is not just for me – you can be a partaker of it also.  Say this prayer and be part of the faith – "dear Jesus, I thank you for your forgiveness for all the sins I have done in the past.  I believe that you came and died for me and three days later you rose from death and starting today I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I also believe with my entire being that new things will begin to unfold before my eyes and your will be done upon my life.  I receive all of this by faith in Jesus Christ, amen."

If you said that prayer, I am happy as well as the angels in heaven who are celebrating for your name has been written in the Book of Life. You have made me very happy and I am overjoyed by your decision of faith. Drop me a mail, send me your prayer request so I can pray for you and your family.

To God be the glory!





Monday, April 19, 2010

Thank you Lord!

It was quite an exhausting day today but nonetheless I enjoyed my day because the Lord spoke to me not just once but a number of times. 

One prevalent experience was when I somehow asked myself in a bit of disbelief pertaining to the concerns raised by one of my co-leader in relation to a place we were looking to rent for the fellowship.  At first I asked myself what was wrong with other people why they had to look for other locations – today the Lord rebuked me and immediately I asked for forgiveness because He made me realize that He has prepared some place better.

The other area JP found cost more than the previous at P18,500 per month as oppose to the P11,000 per month.  With about P87,000 in pledges the Lord reminded me to be sensitive to Him always so I can hear His guidance and His will.

Tomorrow a number of my colleagues will be visiting the place to check the area. What I can simply think about is to have the Lords' will be known and be imposed even during this time of need.

Thank you Lord.

To God be the glory!



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Friday, April 16, 2010

Praise be the God!

The Lord has been very gracious with us this past 3 days.  Since my sister(April) and I, JP and my wife Anne started having fellowship with other individuals specifically Young People on Wednesday, Professionals on Thursdays and Musicians on Fridays we have enjoyed victory over circumstances and success because the Lord is working through us.


We have been declaring a number of things and one of which is that we intend to have a Sunday fellowship starting May 2010.  I have declared this with the Friday Musicians and I believe with all my heart that this will manifest.  


We look forward to a another victory this coming Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays 8pm.

Do not be left behind.  Start enjoying the new things the Lord has been doing in this season.  I know that it is not just for me – you can be a partaker of it also.  Say this prayer and be part of the faith – "dear Jesus, I thank you for your forgiveness for all the sins I have done in the past.  I believe that you came and died for me and three days later you rose from death and starting today I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I also believe with my entire being that new things will begin to unfold before my eyes and your will be done upon my life.  I receive all of this by faith in Jesus Christ, amen."

If you said that prayer, I am happy as well as the angels in heaven who are celebrating for your name has been written in the Book of Life. You have made me very happy and I am overjoyed by your decision of faith. Drop me a mail, send me your prayer request so I can pray for you and your family.

To God be the glory!




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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Praise be to God!


Last night was our time with professionals and we had 5 attendees. None the less April, Anne, JP and I pushed with it since we know that 5 is a great number to start with.  Prior to the time with the professionals I was in another Bible Study earlier that night and had my first order of fun from then on onwards.


The Lord never lets me lose a beat and I always enjoy the surprises I get with interacting with different individuals.


I have gone over time last night which I intend not to do next week.  I was so blessed by the lives of those who attended yesterdays event and a reality dawned me that there will always be individual/s who will not enjoy as the rest especially that yesterday I kept on declaring to the attendees that they will be including my self become millionaires.  They were a bit surprise at first but later on they got their faith muscles flexing and joined me in the declaration process. As proclaimed in the text;


Revelation 12:11  And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.


Here contrary to what we were presupposed starting at a very young age - "not to tell anybody of your plans because it might not happen but John wrote the text above in the aisle of Patmos. 


Add the revelation Paul wrote to the Romans – in Romans 12:2  And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, and ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


Those text came out with power to them and they were able to relate to the concepts Paul was trying to share in those verses.


Yesterdays victory and so as with the day before that was a victory of the Lord – we are simply instruments of Gods' blessing thus all glory belongs to the Father in Heaven.  Thank you Jesus Christ! Thank you Holy Spirit!

Do not be left behind.  Start enjoying the new things the Lord has been doing in this season.  I know that it is not just for me – you can be a partaker of it also.  Say this prayer and be part of the faith – "dear Jesus, I thank you for your forgiveness for all the sins I have done in the past.  I believe that you came and died for me and three days later you rose from death and starting today I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I also believe with my entire being that new things will begin to unfold before my eyes and your will be done upon my life.  I receive all of this by faith in Jesus Christ, amen."

If you said that prayer, I am happy as well as the angels in heaven who are celebrating for your name has been written in the Book of Life. You have made me very happy and I am overjoyed by your decision of faith. Drop me a mail, send me your prayer request so I can pray for you and your family.

To God be the glory!





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