Tuesday, April 20, 2010

An odd close

The book of Exodus made an odd close.  If you are a writer then you will assume that Moses who wrote the book that He does not have the skills in writing as it is today.


My assumption is simple – Moses wrote what history has done and how the Lord wants it to be closed.  The book Exodus is just part of the Pentateuch or the first five books of the Bible which houses the laws and commands from the Lord.


This has been a long discussion for a lot of individuals both in and out of the church.  Those who read the Bible and those who spend little time. 


Going back to the close of the book of Exodus. IT closed with a description specifically the moving of the Tent of the Lords' presence.  It was only move when the presence of the Lord moves – the pillar of clouds which cover it by the day and the pillar of fire which hovers above it by night.


In conjunction to it, let me highlight that Moses went to places or followed the direction of the Lord simply with one basic criteria – if the Lord will not go with him then he will not go.  In our lives we need to adopt this so as to ensure that whatever we do on a regular basis is simply because it is the Lords' will and the anointing of the Lord is upon you or simply saying that it is the will of the Lord. This might pose as a challenge but none the less this ensures that our decisions will indeed be the right one.


The period or the law and the period of grace must not be drawn between the timeline of the Bible all the more the days we live today.


We all deserve grace – that is a resolve concern but we need to live by what grace results to and that is by following the commands of the Lord. The commandments of God is not simply for the Jew but for you and me as well. But then again I do pray that you will make that decision with the help of the Holy Spirit.


Do not be left behind.  Start enjoying the new things the Lord has been doing in this season.  I know that it is not just for me – you can be a partaker of it also.  Say this prayer and be part of the faith – "dear Jesus, I thank you for your forgiveness for all the sins I have done in the past.  I believe that you came and died for me and three days later you rose from death and starting today I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I also believe with my entire being that new things will begin to unfold before my eyes and your will be done upon my life.  I receive all of this by faith in Jesus Christ, amen."

If you said that prayer, I am happy as well as the angels in heaven who are celebrating for your name has been written in the Book of Life. You have made me very happy and I am overjoyed by your decision of faith. Drop me a mail mlester1997@yahoo.com.ph, send me your prayer request so I can pray for you and your family.

To God be the glory!





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