Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It is most interesting to find that on the latter part of the Exodus 26:20-21.


Exodus 27:20  Give orders to the children of Israel to give you clear olive oil for the lights, so that a light may be burning there at all times.

Exodus 27:21  Let Aaron and his sons put this in order, evening and morning, before the Lord, inside the Tent of meeting, outside the veil which is before the ark; this is to be an order for ever, from generation to generation, to be kept by the children of Israel.


This section talks about how the Lord asked His people that includes my self is to keep the light burning.


This is interesting since in the New Testament we have been classified as a light of the world.


Matthew 5:14  You are the light of the world. A town put on a hill may be seen by all.

Matthew 5:15  And a burning light is not put under a vessel, but on its table; so that its rays may be shining on all who are in the house.


This speaks of us being the Light of the world which must be kept burning.


In Exodus it spoke of the light being lit from evening till morning so much so in the assumption of the text in Matthew which states "so that its rays may be shining on all who are in the house".


Why at night? The night is a picture of crisis wherein all individuals will surely experience but the command for us is to keep the light that shines through us because of Jesus Christ must be continuously shinning every house or anywhere we go.  In that regard this will provide us a  picture that good deeds is simply a result of our salvation not the other way around.


Let us keep our fire burning.  Our fire to pray, fire to praise and worship the living God and fire to share the goodness of His love through His son Jesus Christ.

The Menorah Candlestick is a traditional light piece of the Jews and it is made of gold thus we can relate this in our life and say that we are the living menorah candles(made righteous and pure through the grace of God) shinning in this world where darkness is prevalent.  But one day – and that day is closer than anybody think the Light of the Lord our God will shine on this earth through us and it will over run evil in this world.


To God be the glory!




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