Sunday, April 4, 2010

Everything around me is all about new things!

Yesterday was a Holy Day for me, my wife, my sister and JP(just like any other Sundays).

We went to church in the morning. Enjoyed the presence of the Lord. Praise and worship was not the usual since it was all digital. We used tracks on Duffy's laptop and although the song was not live the atmosphere was very much alive.  Cody just got himself soaked with the anointing from the Holy Spirit and everyone else expecting to receive from the Lord got their fill of the time.

Pastor Hermie Fernandez shared the word from the Lord and I really love it. I even feel that I do not have to explain or do some sort of exhortation for the word. Read the verses below;

1 Corinthians 2:9 However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"—

There is even a correlation of the same text in the old testament;

Isaiah 64:4 For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, Nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him.

Isaiah 65:17 "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind

I love it so much!! Wherever you look at the text – it simply tells to me one thing.  Please do not take me out of context here because I am reading the said text in terms of revelation from the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord in the faith is telling me that I need to simply enjoy the word on face value and wait with anticipation for the former things have been stripped away from my life and that I am beginning to see the new things. The kingdom of God unfolding in my life and those around me.

What is more wonderful – is how the Lord made things lay in to place everything.  All for of us(me, my wife, April and JP) went to Christ Fellowship Church and have another fill from the thrown of the Lord.  We normally spend Sunday afternoon in Gravahan, Matina for a fellowship with the people around the place.  JP and I including Duffy, Nico(also know as Guillermo) and Mel work together with the adults in fellowship in the area while my sister April and my wife Anne partner with the kids Sunday School. During the evening we usually have a cell meeting. But that April 4, 2010 Sunday evening we finally took the time to listen to Dr. Dave Magalong. All through out the time Doc Dave was speaking I could not help but smile with joy in my heart for what he was sharing was also something about new things – the title of his message that last night was "The Irrefutable marks of the resurrected life".  The points he highlighted was number 1 a new identity(Rom 6:1-7), Number 2 a new ability(2 Peter 1:3-4) and lastly a new Responsibility(Ephesians 4:22-32). You noticed something here?? I did!! All of what he said was something NEW. The whole week the message shared to us was something new from a prophet of the Lord Sadhu till yesterday there was a resounding and resonating message of SOMETHING NEW.

For this reason the four of us anticipates the manifestation of the new thing to happen in our lives including my friends and partners in church wait in faith for it to unfold in front of us.

For all of these things revealed to us I am waiting with great anticipation and faith that the Lord will do a NEW THING!

To God be the glory!!!!


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