Tuesday, April 13, 2010

a winner, a conqueror, a king, a man created in the image and likeness of God with dominion over all things on the earth Part I

 I just got home.  I went out with my friend/brother Glen and my wife.  We watched a movie – Clash of the Titans. I enjoyed it.  The plot was good – something new but good. The graphics is seamless. The entire movie was great – thanks to Glen who shared his blessings and treated me to a movie. It has been awhile since my wife and I watched a movie.


The movie is a remake of the 1981 movie and just like the typical remake of today – this one is graphically intense.

 The theme is very straightforward and that is Persius son of Zeus.  Who is half god and half man.  Of course the Persius was very confident as he feels that he can defeat Hades amidst the prophecy that he was supposed to die.  I related to this theme in the context of my faith in God and how he has created me – a winner, a conqueror, a king, a man created in the image and likeness of God with dominion over all things on the earth.  In that regard by the grace of God I will be living my nature.  I just remembered a quote from Teilhard de Chardin "We are not human beings having a spiritual Experience. We are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience."  In that context I am going to live my nature by Gods grace. As God is for me then who can be against me? A quote from the book of Romans 8:31.


This must be our nature and this must be carried with us with humility and fairness.

To God be the glory!

Thank you very much Glen for your generosity. I thank God for the heart He has given Glen. God bless you my friend and brother!




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