Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Shabbat or Sabbath - Spend it as the Lord has commanded us

Exodus 35


This is a very interesting chapter as this spoke of the rest in Sabbath.  Now the question of whether Saturday or Sunday is the Sabbath then the answer lies within the culture of where this came about.  Sabbath or Shabbat for the Jews starts from sundown of Friday and ends sundown of Saturday.


The point that I will be driving at today will be about the rest the Lord has commanded us to do.  Although I can not discuss in detail the Jewish Custom for Shabbat here but a general directive must be that during this period  all of us must stop work.  No phone calls related to you job nor coordination that pertains to your work on a regular day. 

Exodus 35


This is a very interesting chapter as this spoke of the rest in Sabbath.  Now the question of whether Saturday or Sunday is the Sabbath then the answer lies within the culture of where this came about.  Sabbath or Shabbat for the Jews starts from sundown of Friday and ends sundown of Saturday.


The point that I will be driving at today will be about the rest the Lord has commanded us to do.  Although I can not discuss in detail the Jewish Custom for Shabbat here but a general directive must be that during this period  all of us must stop work.  No phone calls related to you job nor coordination that pertains to your work on a regular day. 


What is interesting to note here that our Jewish brothers and sisters take this time with their family.  This translates to better relationship at home for every member of the family if you make this as part of your life Shabbat celebration then not only will you be building relationship with the Lord you will also be improving your relationship with your loved ones. 


I do not discount the debates others will raise pertaining to Sabbath  but my point being if you read the text;


Exodus 35:1  And Moses sent for all the children of Israel to come together, and said to them, This is what the Lord has said and these are his orders.

Exodus 35:2  Six days let work be done, but the seventh day is to be a holy day to you, a Sabbath of rest to the Lord; whoever does any work on that day is to be put to death.

Exodus 35:3  No fire is to be lighted in any of your houses on the Sabbath day.


Follow the commandment of the Lord and spend a meaningful Shabbat every week then you will be communing with the Father in heaven as well as His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. As direct result as well – will be a time well spent with your family.


Besides you will have a better self to face a new Monday when you go back to work.

Do not be left behind.  Start enjoying the new things the Lord has been doing in this season.  I know that it is not just for me – you can be a partaker of it also.  Say this prayer and be part of the faith – "dear Jesus, I thank you for your forgiveness for all the sins I have done in the past.  I believe that you came and died for me and three days later you rose from death and starting today I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I also believe with my entire being that new things will begin to unfold before my eyes and your will be done upon my life.  I receive all of this by faith in Jesus Christ, amen."

If you said that prayer, I am happy as well as the angels in heaven who are celebrating for your name has been written in the Book of Life. You have made me very happy and I am overjoyed by your decision of faith. Drop me a mail, send me your prayer request so I can pray for you and your family.

To God be the glory!




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