Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Lord has already given us what we needed

I was reading Exodus 36 this morning and I must admit I almost dropped my jaw with so much details on how to make the tent – the Holy Place – the tabernacle.  After running through the last note of the chapter the Lord made me understand that whatever He has commanded us to do He has also given the provisions needed in order to implement what needs to be implemented.  


This is true still in the new testament as we have been provided with all of what we need to overcome, conquer whatever we encounter today including that of the things we need to be doing like spreading the Gospel and making disciples. All of these gifts were given by grace.


As we walk this life we must understand that we all have what we need as it was all provided for through Jesus Christ.


In that regard the only thing that we can do is either to make excuses of not doing the things we should be doing or follow the will of the Lord and enjoy whatever reward the Lord has prepared for you and me.


Do not be left behind.  Start enjoying the new things the Lord has been doing in this season.  I know that it is not just for me – you can be a partaker of it also.  Say this prayer and be part of the faith – "dear Jesus, I thank you for your forgiveness for all the sins I have done in the past.  I believe that you came and died for me and three days later you rose from death and starting today I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I also believe with my entire being that new things will begin to unfold before my eyes and your will be done upon my life.  I receive all of this by faith in Jesus Christ, amen."

If you said that prayer, I am happy as well as the angels in heaven who are celebrating for your name has been written in the Book of Life. You have made me very happy and I am overjoyed by your decision of faith. Drop me a mail, send me your prayer request so I can pray for you and your family.

To God be the glory!





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