Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oil (just a start)


Exodus 28:41  These you are to put on Aaron, your brother, and on his sons, putting oil on them, separating them and making them holy, to do the work of priests to me.


Anointing with oil specifically olive oil is something that speaks to us with a lot of things.  Here in this verse it spoke of anointing Aaron and his sons to become priest. This simply signifies that there is a need for those who are ministers of today including pastors are anointed by God. Yesterday my friend and classmate in Thompson Christian School Steve and Jingle shared to me a brief experience of not in any way mess with pastors as they have been anointed by the Lord especially those who are sure of their calling. Pastors who have really heard from the Lord.  They shared to me about one pastor accused of something which was a lie and at the end the pastor got acquitted by the court and months later the person who pointed a finger died of cancer. 


On another note let me highlight another fact of the concept of oil in the new testament specifically on the story of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25: wherein they were supposed to keep their lamps lit until the groom arrives. This somehow gives us a picture the need for pastors to continue living a lifestyle of readiness and sharing that readiness to the congregation the Lord have assigned them.


Since the first time the Lord told me that I will one of this day pastor a church(though I must say that I did struggle for awhile about it), He has led me to situations which develops my character and my wisdom and knowledge in the word.


The Lord is working through me since then.  Though today I no longer have issues of my calling and I am simply waiting upon the Lord for His will to happen in my life and my family.


At the end of the day all of what is happening in my life is for the glory of our Heavenly Father. Thank you Jesus Christ!


To God be the glory!




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