Monday, April 12, 2010

A reiteration of what the Lord wants


I spent time in my devotion today in Exodus 34 and as I was reading through it I realized that there is a similar text pertaining to the things the Lord wanted me (us) to do. And these are celebrating three festivals – festival of shelters, harvest and the festival of the unleavened bread. Apart the text also spoke of the first fruit and in general a renewal of His and my covenant. 


I began to sat on the word for a moment and the Lord spoke to my heart that as I have instructed you and the CCFC to do those things in Exodus 23 so you shall do the same but in this time this is a reminder to everyone.


I thank the Lord for reminding me of these commands and I give Him the glory for I believe that the Lord will enable me to perform all the things He wants me to do especially the part of justice and fairness including the renewal of my covenant with Him.


I went home early today compared to yesterday but I went home with a renewed commitment in my heart including a realization of my need to refocus my self in the will of the Lord in relation to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Praise be to God!


To God be the glory!




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