Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Another new thing


You might be saying that I am geared to see new things – well I must admit that more than likely the Lord has reprogrammed my eyes to see new things because I wanted to see new things as well.  Today is not exception, I just came back from my 30 minute jog although I did not do it early this morning but I made a point to still jog regardless of the time. As usual there is my "before anything else" activity of reading the word of God.


With it the Lord has made me see with my heart that a priest is to be the individual with the task to carry on his shoulders the prayers of the congregation and even the most important aspect of the need for knowing the will of God as it was made clear by the Lord as part of the instructions given to Moses to place upon the heart of Aaron items Urim and the Thummim which was designated for knowing the will of the Lord. 


This even strengthens my conviction in knowing the will of the Lord before anything alse.


This has also made me see the need to study more the context and Urim and Thummim and know the spiritual aspects of these things and make it part of my life by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Exodus 28:30  And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aaron's heart, when he goeth in before Jehovah: and Aaron shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before Jehovah continually.


On a lighter note, it is the first time for our Labrador Waffles to run with me.  I did not make her run for more than 10 minutes what I did was in specific intervals I had her run with me with and without the leash. I enjoyed my time jogging with her and more than likely she did too.


Praise be to God for the new things!


Just as I am writing this Ms. Joanne called me up and told me that my job offer contract is in Davao and that I can read it and sign it as soon as it is convenient for me and the office since I am on my way to have my physical exam.  That again is something new!


She also told me that my immediate superior prefers to have me join a meeting with him with an expat for the company on Monday.


I do not know about you but because I believed and I placed my heart and soul and spirit upon the will of the Lord and now I am seeing the manifestation of the prophecy of declared upon me as I have written in my previous articles.


Do not be left behind.  Start enjoying the new things the Lord has been doing in this season.  I know that it is not just for me – you can be a partaker of it also.  Say this prayer and be part of the faith – "dear Jesus, I thank you for your forgiveness for all the sins I have done in the past.  I believe that you came and died for me and three days later you rose from death and starting today I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I also believe with my entire being that new things will begin to unfold before my eyes and your will be done upon my life.  I receive all of this by faith in Jesus Christ, amen."


If you said that prayer, I am happy as well as the angels in heaven who are celebrating for your name has been written in the Book of Life. You have made me very happy and I am overjoyed by your decision of faith. Drop me a mail, send me your prayer request so I can pray for you and your family.


God bless you!

To God be the glory!


I declare that the Shalom of the Lord be upon you and your family.



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