Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In Everything Give Thanks

I just came home from a very fruitful conversation somewhat like a fellowship with my friends Glen, Gigi and Myla. I enjoyed the coffee and the learning I got from that we were talking.


My friend and brother Glen just came out from a break up that really devastated him.  He poured out his heart to us tonight.  Praise the Lord, He gave me the wisdom to share some things that would relate to the concerns of the heart of my friend. But in as much as he probably got something from our conversation – I must say I learned a lot from Glen tonight.  Especially when he shared about individuals who came out of a life and death situation, a sickness that could have ended their lives but instead of giving up they had the grace from the Lord and got the strength to surpass their condition and emerge victorious.  Then I remembered what the Lord showed me in His words in the book of Joshua pertaining to breaking the barriers – there was one part on the principles there which talked about "shift in paradigm".


I have my concerns today, as you most likely have your own but our life challenges will not even equal that of those who go through cancer and live through it. Then I remembered what Jessie's mother shared to us raising her hand with fingers flexed saying that each finger bare different heights thus each one of us have been given different situations all of which the Lord assured us – we have the strength to come out victorious especially if we acknowledge the Lord for it and be thankful for that is another time for us to become stronger and better individuals. 


I do not know about the challenge you are currently facing but one thing is for sure amidst all of this – find the time and look at it on the perspective of growth for you as a person. At the end of the day – the Lord God Almighty, the Great I Am is simply molding us to be a blessing for others. As to how? Depends on how you perceive your current condition. 


1Thessalonians 5:18  In everything give praise: for this is the purpose of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Whatever you are experiencing today – give thanks. See it in Gods eyes.  Read the Bible and find out what the heart of God is, for you, for others in this situation you have today.


God bless you!



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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It has begun!!!

I just got home from a coffee meeting with a friend and partner of mine.

He updated me with a few huge development about his personal career as he was now employed with a new company under a Top Corporation in the Philippines .  He told me about his training though a week ago when he was in Manila .

I am very happy hearing that news from him especially that he just lost his job a few months ago.

I on the other hand lost left the same company he came from 2 years ago. Between that span of time I was employed on a part time basis for two instances. I was even writing articles for the internet.  Although it took me two years to finally get a better offer with a employment package that I was very happy to hear. I thank the Lord that all through out the 2 year period the Lord has been faithful in the provisions that we needed. Especially in terms of food and clothing. Apart from the fact that my kids were able to go to school – in a private school.

Early this morning, before I had coffee with my friend I got a phone call.  A call that I must say is simply the beginning of better and greater things in my life and in my family.  Ms. Joanne called up and informed me that she will be sending my Job Offer anytime this week and I might get it either this week or after the holidays. This means that I will be back to the corporate world again starting next month.

All of these things that are happening in my life, I believe is simply just the beginning because there are still a few things that which I know the Lord will do that will further show the glory of the Most High God in my life.

Apart from seeing changes in my life I saw a number of changes in this country – and how the Lord will show His glory not just to us Filipinos but to the nations of the world.  He is about to change this nation to the better and I will be part of the change as well as a contributor for the change the Lord will be doing in this country.

The Jubilee celebration of the Philippines has been celebrated in Cebu and it has opened doors in the spiritual that will surely affect the physical.

I look forward to my very own instance of the Promised Land or a Promised Life.  One that will bring glory to the name of the Lord and one that will surely bring the name of Jesus Christ to the cities and towns of this nation and to the nations of the world.

When I say it has begun – it has begun for me, my family, for the body of Chirst and for the Philippines .

Be a part of the Change today!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

A new thing

Let me just share what I feel today.

Today is the day that He has made
and I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Today is the day!

That is a song my wife and I really like.

Just like the promise of the Lord in;

Isaiah 49:19  For, as for thy waste and thy desolate places, and thy land that hath been destroyed, surely now shalt thou be too strait for the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away.

This has been what a prophet prophesied over our beloved nation the Philippines.

New things will begin to unfold for those who believe.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A test of obedience not just about provision

Exodus 16:4  Then the Lord said to Moses, See, I will send down bread from heaven for you; and the people will go out every day and get enough for the day's needs; so that I may put them to the test to see if they will keep my laws or not.
In this text the Lord told Moses that He will provide food for the Israelite.  It is clear in the last part of the verse that the Lord wanted to see whether the Israelite will follow His command.
As we know the Israelite were instructed to gather only two quarts of manna.  There were those who took more and some took less but they all had just enough when everyone has finished gathering.  They were also told not to keep any for the next day will be a new provision for everybody.
I always thought that manna was a case of provision in the Bible but today as I was reading the Bible the Lord made me realized that it was not about just provision but rather about obedience.
Which means that after 3 or 4 books later the Lord took the manna from the Israelite.  Please read text below;
Joshua 5:12  And there was no more manna from the day after they had for their food the produce of the land; the children of Israel had manna no longer, but that year the produce of the land of Canaan was their food.
Here we can assume that the Lord trust the Israelite especially this generation in terms of following the instructions of the Lord.
Now I fully understand the move of the Lord in my life and in the lives of my friends in church.
We are in the promise land.

To God be the glory!

Monday, March 22, 2010

It is a wonderful day! To God be the glory!

Lamentations 3:21  This I keep in mind, and because of this I have hope.
Lamentations 3:22  It is through the Lord's love that we have not come to destruction, because his mercies have no limit.
Lamentations 3:23  They are new every morning; great is your good faith.

There are new every morning. This should be how we face the day regardless of the circumstance. The fact that you woke today is a miracle in it self thus you reading this is a miracle in itself.

I just came back from my usual 30-minute morning jog and I enjoyed the experience of getting the morning breeze. You should try it. You need no pay for gym fees just jog somewhere for 30 minutes straight.

I like the message of Lamentation specifically what is posted above. The summary for it is that the love and mercy of God is new every morning.

God loves you!

His mercy is overflowing thus you need not worry about the things to come just focus on the Love iof God and what he has prepared for you and me as He has revealed through His servant Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Another translation of this version of this verse states that the Lord will give us a future we hope for and that His plans for us is to prosper us.

That is something we can look for and anticipate with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who gave us salvation by His death on the cross and the victory He brought about when He resurrected 3 days later.

His love is indeed great for He let His only begotten Son die for your sins and mine.

Thank you Jesus Christ!

To God be the glory!

Early this year our Senior Pastor invited over Ms. May - an intercessor and prophet of another church.  Since we firmly believe that such is a gift to the body of Christ our Senior Pastor invited her to speak to our church. 
Before Ms. May said yes to the invitation she forewarned our Senior Pastor about what she might see and exposed in church that day. Still our Senior Pastor pushed with the invitation and Ms. May came to church that Sunday(early this year – if my memory serves me correct it was in the first two weeks of January 2010).
Her (Ms. May) warning stems from her past experience when she was invited over to other churches and upon reaching the place she would see in the Spirit sin and other things which saddened her and had to expose that very moment.
Our experience was different.  After the praise and worship she walked towards the pulpit and begun to speak with a huge smile on her face.  She started by saying that it was her first time to come to a church service over-filled with joy and anticipation of the presence of the Lord. She started prophesying about our future condition as a congregation wherein we will be used for the expansion of God’s kingdom in Davao , then in Mindanao and then the world.  All of us felt happy and our spirits were lifted up and we were encouraged.
For my very own experience – my wife and I came to church including our children.  Most people felt great that day seeing from their faces when I entered the sanctuary that very Sunday but I on the contrary felt heavy with concerns of the future specifically my debts which were starting to take its regular cycle against my favor.  But the Lord told me a few days before that, that He will take care of me and my family including all other circumstance confronting us – this includes our debt.  Worry over took me the first few minutes  I got to church that Sunday.  Things began to change during the service – I felt better.  I felt Gods’ presence taking over the place most especially when Ms. May started to speak and prophesied to us a church.  After the service I was on my regular activity-preparing things to stored like the laptop and the projector I was assigned to operate when Ms. May looked at me, I felt a certain amount of fear came over me that very moment. She then wave her hands signaling to me to come to her – which at that time I felt hesitant but then again the Spirit of the Lord prompted me to go to her.  When I got an arms length away from her she placed her hands on my head and started to pray. She declared that “I am releasing what needs to be released, I have unclogged what needs to be unclogged”, while she waves her other hand seemingly cutting something from the air around me.  She also made mention of the flow of milk and honey over me.I could not help but let my tears run through my cheeks that very moment.  I didn’t care whether people saw me sobbing in Joy at that time.  After that awesome experience I approached her and told her that she confirmed the word the Lord told me a few days earlier that God will give to me what He has promised especially relating to Jeremiah 29:11 and me and my family being in the promise land. I thanked her for being an instrument to confirm the message of the Lord in my life. Then she looked at me again and prophesied again that she saw in me the gift to study and understand the word of God. That made me cry again with joy. 
There was no way she could have known those things which she declared upon me.  There was no way she knew my present condition.
Later in the afternoon my our Senior Pastor called me over the phone and asked me whether I knew what Ms. May prayed to me. I told her about the “unclogging” and “releasing” messages which she declared upon me and our Senior Pastor insisted whether it was explained to me what Ms. May really saw.  I responded “no”. Our senior Pastor then started to explain what Ms May shared to their group over lunch that very same Sunday – Ms May said that when she saw me she was a bit amused by the vision she got. She saw a nipple swelling with something gripping it close and for that reason the milk and honey could not flow through my life. Listening to what my senior Pastor was telling me with excitement – I felt the same thing as well.  I remembered what the Lord told me last year that He will take me to a land overflowing with milk and honey.  I believe in that.  Because it was the Lord who told me such a promise.
Today, two months later – I am believing with anticipation of the fulfillment of the promise of the Lord in my life and it made me remember another prophet who told me in 2008 that she saw a huge balloon like image on top of my head almost about to burst.  That made me realized what Ms. May Prophesied to me that sunny Sunday morning.
Just a few minutes ago my mother asked me to buy a few vegetables from the wet market area in our neighborhood and while I was walking my way back home the Lord spoke to me a told me to read Joshua 11.  The entire chapter, which I did read when I got home and what struck me the most is this verse Joshua 11:6  And the Lord said to Joshua, Have no fear of them: for tomorrow at this time I will give them all up dead before Israel; you are to have the leg-muscles of their horses cut and their war-carriages burned with fire.  In our out of context I believe that the Lord is speaking to me here that tomorrow afternoon the promises of the Lord will be manifested.
I will wait upon how the Lord will show His glory in the circumstances of my life and how He will burn down to dust all those things that have taken away the Shalom of the Lord in my life.
Tomorrow is a new day.  A dawn of  new era wherein I and my entire household will bring glory to the Lord God and be a blessing to the body of Christ.
In Addition - early this year the Lord told me in one of my devotion that I am to have a son and I will name him Corban which means “given to God” in this regard my wife and I already agreed to the name without hesitation and we will include a second name completing our baby boys’ name Corban Elisha. Elisha having a double portion of anointing compared to that of his mentor.
In closing my dad, my youngest daughter were sitting in the sala and my dad saw a post man walking by and he jokingly said “that could be a warrant” – referring to my responsibilities. My immediate response was “ in Jesus name! That is not true and it will not happen since the Lord will make true His promises to me”.
With all of these things going on in my life I do believe that the Lord simply wants to have His glory seen in our life.  In that regard I urge you to find your purpose in life by asking the Lord and I assure you that He will not fail you as He did not fail me.
To God be the Glory!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Glory of God(Exodus)

The book of Exodus specifically that when Moses and Aaron spoke to the king.The Lord will tell both Moses and Aaron about what to do but before that will happen the Lord will harden the heart of Pharaoh.  At first It seemed as if a cruel and funny joke but with close inspection the Lord simply made happen those things in order for His glory to be seen.

All seven plagues or seven curses made an indelible ink in the people of Egypt at that time and even today as we read through the pages of the book of Exodus especially my self - I am always left in great awe of the miracles that the Lord concocted in Egypt and all through out the Bible.

It leaves us to one point here - that everything we experience our mindset must be - is that this is happening for us to give glory to the Lord our God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and my self included.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Into the Promise Land

In the afternoon of March 11, 2010 I ask the Lord for His word for me. Though He had lead me to certain topics early in the morning but the message became clear in the afternoon when OI started to ponder on the very words from the book of Deuteronomy specially chapter 11.
Below are the things He made emphasis on;
The Command(s) that we need to follow;
Deu 11:1  So have love for the Lord your God, and give him worship, and keep his laws and his decisions and his orders at all times.
Deu 11:8  So keep all the orders which I give you today, so that you may be strong, and go in and take the land which is to be your heritage
Deu 11:13  And it will be that if you truly give ear to the orders which I put before you this day, loving the Lord your God and worshipping him with all your heart and all your soul,
Deu 11:18  So keep these words deep in your heart and in your soul, and have them fixed on your hand for a sign and marked on your brow;
Deu 11:19  Teaching them to your children, and talking of them when you are at rest in your house or walking by the way, when you go to sleep and when you get up:
Deu 11:20  Writing them on the pillars of your houses and over the doors of your towns
Deu 11:22  For if you take care to keep all the orders which I give you, and to do them; loving the Lord your God and walking in all his ways and being true to him
The warning(s) we have to take heed;
Deu 11:16  But take care that your hearts are not turned to false ways so that you become servants and worshippers of other gods;
Deu 11:17  For if you do so, the wrath of the Lord will be burning against you, and the heaven will be shut up so that there is no rain and the land will give no fruit; and in a very little time you will be cut off from the good land which the Lord is giving you.
The Promise(s) we can claim if we follow what He has commanded us;
Deu 11:9  And that your days may be long in the land which the Lord gave by an oath to your fathers and to their seed after them, a land flowing with milk and honey.
Deu 11:10  For the land where you are going is not like the land of Egypt from which you have come, where you put in your seeds, watering them with your foot, like a planted garden:
Deu 11:11  But the land where you are going is a land of hills and valleys, drinking in the rain of heaven:
Deu 11:12  A land cared for by the Lord your God: the eyes of the Lord your God are on it at all times from one end of the year to the other.
Deu 11:14  Then I will send rain on your land at the right time, the early rains and the late rains, so that you may get in your grain and your wine and your oil.
Deu 11:15  And I will give grass in your fields for your cattle, so that you may have food in full measure.
Deu 11:23  Then the Lord will send these nations in flight before you, and you will take the lands of nations greater and stronger than yourselves.
Deu 11:24  Every place where you put your foot will be yours: from the waste land and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates as far as the Great Sea, will be the limits of your land.
Deu 11:25  All people will give way before you: for the Lord your God will put the fear of you on all the land through which you go, as he has said.
You might be telling yourself or trying to talk to me here and tell me that there’s too much information here but then again let me tell you that the Bible or God’s word is filled with a lot of things.  I just broke down a few things here and you might want to read the entire Deuteronomy 11.  Read it and hear your voice.  Besides “faith cometh by hearing” this might be too literal but I would put my faith on this. 
You too can be partakers of this promise as I am.
This is not just for me but for those who are part of the family of the Lord – the children of the Most High God – “The Great I am”.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

What is in your hand?


This has been a question that most people have heard and read.  Most especially that this story has been shared to us in Elementary if not also Middle School. Read the passage below;

Exo 4:1  And Moses, answering, said, It is certain that they will not have faith in me or give ear to my voice; for they will say, You have not seen the Lord.
Exo 4:2  And the Lord said to him, What is that in your hand? And he said, A rod.

After reading this it reminded me on how the Lord called me to ministry years back.  I had hesitations.  I even told the Lord that there would be others worthy than I am. But at the end of the day His will became true in my life.

The passage above and on how the lord called up Moses to become the messiah of Israel at this time is true to most of us if not all of us.  Whether you are going into business or life in general – there is not excuse the Lord can use us with what we already have. Just like Moses who had a rod which seems to have no value. The same with us – we thought what we have is of no value but the truth is the Lord can use us with that because the power do not come from us but from Him.  Just a few minutes before writing this I spoke to a friend and brother of mine Ryan.  He shared to me his experience about telling someone about Jesus Christ and how he thinks he is incapable of doing so.  But the Lord simply impressed upon my heart to acknowledge and affirm what he did and tell him that “you are an evangelist”.  That prophecy is true to all of us.  We are marketing and sales directors of the our faith.  How convinced we are with our product will become and start sharing our faith with others regardless of how ill-equip we think we are but truth be known – God can use you for mighty things because you simply yielded to His will.

What is in your Hand today?

With that God can make you an instrument of change and of blessings for others starting today.



Sunday, March 7, 2010

Relationship Management - Internal

I and two other friends of  mine ventured together into a business as partners.  Our latest partner had a concern that we might lose our friendship because he has seen a number of others whose relationship was rampage and destroyed because they ventured into a business together.  This may be true to a number of business partnership but I totally disagree if it was going to be applied to every single partnership today.  The concern was because prior to the conception of the business these individuals failed to follow a command given by Jesus Christ in relation to how we handle concerns affecting relationship whether casual or formal type of relationship.
The pattern can be found in the book of Matthew chapter 18 as presented below;
Matthew 18:15  "If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.
Matthew 18:16  But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.
Matthew 18:17  If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.
Knowing this principle, I shared this with my partners and gave specific example on how to protect our friendship together with the business partnership.  I shared a hypothetical situation – For instance there is a thought that come to any of us  that one of us is cheating us over finances then the way this must be handled in relation to the verses mentioned above.  We required each member to directly tell the partner concern on a one-on-one basis.  If someone will try to share such a feeling to another partner who is the concern the response of the other party would be to tell the other partner to stop and ask him to tell the person concern instead. 
To follow the patter above this is how it should be handled.  If there is doubt in person As’ heart towards person C then it is necessary for person A to inform person C about it in a manner that is constructive with the hope of enlightenment rather than discord towards the other party.  If person C negatively responded to what person A informed him or her about then person A can bring person B and converse with person C on order to iron the cramp in the relationship. but worst case scenario that person C still did not positively approach the concern then it is time for person A together with person B to tell the rest of the concern individuals most like those who will be affected by the crisis.
This model given to us by Jesus Christ will surely create an atmosphere of coherence and cooperation between the partners and if this is adopted in the corporate setting there will be no relationship crisis to great to be settled.
The bottom line as we will interpret why Jesus would suggest such actions to be undertaken is because we have been commanded in Matthew 22:39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
At this point we have been enjoying the business and is continuously improving and diversifying to better the business and later affecting our personal lives.

Let me close this by saying to you our dear readers and followers – “I love you with the love of the Lord”.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How to Cook like a Chef

Well, the title says it all. And I must say, having tried some of the tips, cooking is fun and easy. So go on click, be taught and learn how the masters do it. And best of all, it's FREE!



People have asked me why do I put the word Shalom at the end of my text and for those whom I interact with why I greet them Shalom or instead of saying goodbye I would use Shalom.

This is why the word Shalom is a Hebrew word   שָׁלוֹם  or Shalom which means (Strong Hebrew Dictionary 7965) completeness, soundness, welfare, peace but not limited to. Strongs' Exhaustive Concordance which gave out these words that would go close to the word Shalom - well, favor, friend, great, good health, perfect.  As for me this is a holistic declaration of blessing to anybody. Whether they believe it or not still I would prefer to declare blessing to those I interact with regardless of medium.

At times I do not get this word back in return when I say this to them.  For me it does not matter. I do believe in the saying "what you sow is what you will reap".  I have sown Shalom thus I will reap Shalom.

To all who read our blog i declare that "the Shalom of the Lord be upon you and your family"


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

“I declare blessing upon Sir Elton John and that the shalom of the Lord be upon him”

A few days ago February 22, 2010 I was with a very close friend of mine over a cup of coffee in a coffee shop in Davao City. In the middle of a lull, when my best friend and brother Glen went to the comfort room to do his stuff I picked up a newspaper and got the shock of my life. I read a statement of Sir Elton John - "I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems".

First I felt disgusted about the statement this was way off what Dan Brown suggested in His novel that Jesus Christ had a relationship with Mary Magdalene. The next feeling I got was pity. Pity over Sir Elton John. I am in no position to condemn him as everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion but I do not agree with him though to put it bluntly. How grave was this statement? It was so horrendous that The Catholic League, the largest US Catholic rights group, condemned the comments. "Jesus was certainly compassionate, but to say he was 'super-intelligent' is to compare the son of God to a successful game-show contestant," league president Bill Donohue said in a statement.
I pray for Sir Elton John that he would affirm the conviction that the Holy Spirit has given him.
This is not a sad day for me reading such statement from somebody with a huge public influence. I do hope though that a majority if not all will have the same feeling I have now to just simply pray for Sir Elton John.

If I were to say something to Sir Elton John it would be this;
“I declare blessing upon Sir Elton John and that the shalom of the Lord be upon him”

Success! Success! Success!

This something elusive a number of people.  And although this is subjective – what I mean is that my perception of success will be different from what you have but the general assumption on this is that it has got to be something that would be of benefit to you. In whatever aspect you deem it as appropriate.

If you google the word success you will end up with 246,000,000, if you try to be more specific like using google looking for the phrase “how to be successful” rest assured you will end up with a huge number al the same, 69,000,000 to be exact these are all as of today March 4, 2010. But if you try to look up successful in the Bible you will end up with a big zip – yes it is a huge zero, nada or what have you.  If we try to search just the word success you will only find it twice and only in the Old Testament. To be more specific it can only be found in;

Joshua 1:7  Only be strong and very courageous, to observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest have good success whithersoever thou goest.
Joshua 1:8  This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate thereon day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

This was the only time the word success was mentioned in the Bible. So if I were you I will not try to scour the internet not the nearest bookstore for authors that say the have the key to success but rather let me suggest that you grab your Bible and look up the verses above.   Ofcourse your though would be is that my Bible translation is different from that of yours.  You might find the words “prosper” or “do well” as the alternative words but regardless of the difference in translations I do believe in my heart that the message is the same – whatever you do, wherever and of course at what ever time you will be successful.  If you want to go back in time on this one and take the original Hebrew text then I will indulge you with this information that word or phrase in study here can be read as “saw-kal’” in Hebrew which means you are an expert, you have the know-how on things or you have wisdom.

After considering these things let us now go through the “what to do” so we can be successful?  For some they might say that I am not a Jew so I will not be partakers of this promise of the Lord to Joshua well then you are mistaken take not of this verse;
Romans 15:27 (New International Version)
27They were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.

Now that we have that straighten up then let us look at the qualifiers. For one as in Romans 15:27 we become partakers through our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and if we go back to Joshua by meditating or pondering or studying the word of God and doing what it has told us to do then we will be successful wherever, whenever and let us include in whatever circumstance.

It can be derived that by studying and living the word of God bring forth success in all seasons.  If you are asking your self now “how come I have not reach success?” then the answer is right in front of you.  Read Gods’ word and make it a lifestyle then the wisdom of God is within you.

Success will surely overtake you. By the way the Lord will also consider our hearts before we give us what is due us. The reason I believe is because we might lose our relationship with Him if we get it when our hearts are not ready for it.

Start reading the word of God – the Bible – the best selling book ever printed and you will find there the ways by which you can prepare your heart for the promise of God for you!



Cashflow Interactive Game

Robert Kiyosaki of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" now has his famous Cashflow game up & running on beta. Please join and learn at:


Monday, March 1, 2010

Cast your bread upon the waters - Diversify


Ecclesiastes 11:1  Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days.
Ecclesiastes 11:2  Give a portion to seven, yea, even unto eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth.
Let me jump to another book in the Old Testament as this will give entrepreneurs wisdom on how to work things when they start their business and must be part of the initial plan so as to ensure a direction by which expansion and diversification is the way to go.
This is an interesting book although people see this or those who read it thought that this is somewhat negative but the learning we can get from this book surely encompasses the usual way of thinking and is forward looking in terms of application in life and in this case in business.
Ecclesiastes 11 starting verse teaches a very interesting note.  It says here that we need to cast our bread upon the waters.  Some translation even speaks of casting bread in different water for we can find profit from it and the next verse tells us about appropriating our resources in the context of business and even in life in general.  Although the anticipation of saving for the rainy days is not what I am talking about but I am trying to share with you a concept by which we must put in specific amounts in different aspect of our lives and even in business.
This tells us that even in business the Lord means well for us so we can become a blessing for others. I do hope and pray that you have such a heart and I am confident the God Almighty will return to you what is due you.
God bless you!